Material transport from marker tiles in the JET divertor

Likonen, J.
Coad, J. P.
Alves, E.
Catarino, N.
Krat, S.
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Научные группы
Организационные подразделения
Организационная единица
Институт лазерных и плазменных технологий
Стратегическая цель Института ЛаПлаз – стать ведущей научной школой и ядром развития инноваций по лазерным, плазменным, радиационным и ускорительным технологиям, с уникальными образовательными программами, востребованными на российском и мировом рынке образовательных услуг.
Выпуск журнала
For each of the three JET ILW campaigns a few special marker tiles were placed in the divertor. Amongst the W-coated CFC tiles are tiles coated with a в€ј3 Вµm layer of Mo with a в€ј4 Вµm topcoat of W and tiles with just a в€ј4 Вµm layer of Mo to measure erosion and re-deposition. During ILW1 just one Mo marker tile was included in the inner divertor band of Tiles 3. After ILW1 the Mo marker was removed for analysis and inter alia two W-coated Tiles 4 to check for re-deposited Mo. About 7% of the Mo removed from the Tile 3 Mo marker was found on band 4 tiles. A fresh Mo marker Tile 3 was inserted in for ILW2+3 plus a Mo marker Tile 4 for ILW2 (after which it was removed for analysis). Tile 4 removed after ILW3 was measured for Mo re-deposition. The Mo deposition pattern on Tile 4 with a regular W topcoat was quite different to that after ILW1, with much more Mo located towards the corner of the divertor.
Ключевые слова
Deposition (geology) , irradiation-resistant steels
Material transport from marker tiles in the JET divertor / Likonen, J. [et al.] // Nuclear Materials and Energy. - 2023. - 36. - 10.1016/j.nme.2023.101505