Гусев, Владислав Евгеньевич

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Институт ИНТЭЛ занимается научной деятельностью и подготовкой специалистов в области исследования физических принципов, проектирования и разработки технологий создания компонентной базы электроники гражданского и специального назначения, а также построения современных приборов на её основе. ​Наша основная цель – это создание и развитие научно-образовательного центра мирового уровня в области наноструктурных материалов и устройств электроники, спинтроники, фотоники, а также создание эффективной инновационной среды в области СВЧ-электронной и радиационно-стойкой компонентной базы, источников ТГц излучения, ионно-кластерных технологий материалов.​
Владислав Евгеньевич

Результаты поиска

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  • Публикация
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    Analysis of the Effect of Restrictions on Isotopes U-232,U-234,U-236 in Marketable LEU on the Choice of Methods for Enriching Reprocessed Uranium in Cascades of Centrifuges
    (2021) Smirnov, A. Y.; Gusev, V. E.; Sulaberidze, G. A.; Nevinitsa, V. A.; Смирнов, Андрей Юрьевич; Гусев, Владислав Евгеньевич; Сулаберидзе, Георгий Анатольевич
    The study addresses the problems of reprocessed uranium re-enrichment. It is shown that, in the most general formulation, the problem of reprocessed uranium re-enrichment that meets all the requirements on the content of even isotopes and the conditions of spending a given amount of initial reprocessed uranium for production of unit mass of the product cannot be solved in a three-flow cascade of centrifuges or in the simplest versions of double cascades. The possibility of solving the formulated problem in a modified double cascade scheme with a low-enriched uranium (LEU) diluter is demonstrated. The results of numerical experiments showed that it is possible to obtain marketable LEU in the studied version of the double cascade after spending a given amount of reprocessed uranium and meeting different constraints on U-232 concentration in the product, including even stricter constraints than those currently accepted at separation plants.
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    Security of Export Deliveries of Regenerated-Uranium Light-Water Reactor Fuel from the Standpoint of IAEA Safeguards
    (2020) Blandinskii, V. Y.; Nevinitsa, V. A.; Fomichenko, P. A.; Volkov, Y. N.; Gusev, V. E.; Smirnov, A. Y.; Sulaberidze, G. A.; Волков, Юрий Николаевич; Гусев, Владислав Евгеньевич; Смирнов, Андрей Юрьевич; Сулаберидзе, Георгий Анатольевич
    © 2021, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.The nonproliferation of nuclear materials is the key issue in supplying nuclear fuel to foreign countries. This article discusses the use of regenerated uranium to enhance the security of exports of fresh fuel for light-water reactors. It is shown that if the removal of fuel and its replacement with, for example, natural uranium go undetected, the criminals have long periods of time available to obtain a significant amount of highly enriched uranium, having only several tens of separation devices. The nonproliferation regime can be strengthened by using regenerated uranium, which contains in its decay chain 208Tl (2.61 MeV γ-line) and is advantageously distinguished from 235U (186 keV γ-line). It is shown theoretically that by controlling the thallium content the uranium content in the fuel rods can be quickly analyzed before a fuel assembly is loaded into the core.
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    Physical and Technical Problems of Reprocessed Uranium Enrichment with Repeated Recycling in Light-Water Reactors and Ways to Solve Them
    (2020) Nevinitsa, V. A.; Bobrov, E. A.; Belov, I. A.; Rodionova, E. V.; Smirnov, A. Y.; Gusev, V. E.; Sulaberidze, G. A.; Смирнов, Андрей Юрьевич; Гусев, Владислав Евгеньевич; Сулаберидзе, Георгий Анатольевич
    © 2020, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.Issues concerning fuel cycle closure are discussed. It is shown that from the standpoint of full utilization of reprocessed nuclear materials the main problems are associated with repeated recycling of uranium, the reason being that limitations are imposed on the content of the isotope 232U in fresh fuel produced from reprocessed materials. The losses of the isotope 235U on repeated recycling of reprocessed uranium in the form of fuel from uranium regenerate and mixtures of processed uranium and plutonium oxides are evaluated. For a light-water reactor, a method of fuel cycle closure making it possible to reduce the 235U losses almost to zero on purification of reprocessed uranium from 232U is shown.
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    A method to enrich reprocessed uranium with various initial contents of even-numbered isotopes
    (2019) Nevinitsa, V.; Smirnov, A.; Gusev, V.; Sulaberidze, G.; Смирнов, Андрей Юрьевич; Гусев, Владислав Евгеньевич; Сулаберидзе, Георгий Анатольевич
    © 2019 Author(s). Nuclear industry needs effective recovering of fissile material from used nuclear fuel, as uranium accounting more than 90% of the spent nuclear fuel (SNF) volume. Use of reprocessed uranium (RepU) is associated with the difficulties due to the presence of 232,234,236 U isotopes in its composition. The content of these isotopes in fresh fuel is limited in accordance with specifications for low-enriched uranium (LEU). In this regard, in order to make a product of the required quality, it is necessary to modify the regular cascade scheme for enriching natural uranium and/or partially dilute the RepU with raw materials not containing 232,234,236 U (for example, natural uranium or depleted uranium). To solve such problems, a number of cascade schemes have been proposed for the last decades. However, there is still no answer what kind of scheme is preferable. In addition, most of them are unsuitable for full reuse of uranium extracted from spent fuel. Within the framework of the present paper, a double cascade scheme is proposed that allows a full use of reprocessed uranium (of any composition, including "dirty" one) in fuel production in compliance with restrictions on even-numbered isotopes. The "quasi-ideal" cascade, widely used in modeling separation processes in cascades for the separation of multicomponent mixtures, was chosen as the object of this theoretical study. The physical regularities of mass transfer in the proposed cascade scheme are analyzed. The interdependencies of cascade parameters are studied. It is shown that this scheme can be effectively employed to enrich the RepU of "dirty" composition, which are typical for SNF after several irradiation cycles.
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    Development of schemes from a single cascade to multi-cascades for separation of regenerated uranium
    (2023) Zeng, S.; Smirnov, A. Yu.; Borisevich, V. D.; Sulaberidze, G. A.; Gusev, V. E.; Смирнов, Андрей Юрьевич; Борисевич, Валентин Дмитриевич; Сулаберидзе, Георгий Анатольевич; Гусев, Владислав Евгеньевич
  • Публикация
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    The Efficiency of Using Double Cascades with a Carrier Gas for Enriching Reprocessed Uranium Under the Conditions of a Multiple Recycle
    (2023) Smirnov, A. Y.; Nevinitsa, V. A.; Sulaberidze, G. A.; Gusev, V. E.; Смирнов, Андрей Юрьевич; Сулаберидзе, Георгий Анатольевич; Гусев, Владислав Евгеньевич