Персона: Крымская, Ольга Александровна
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Институт ядерной физики и технологий
Цель ИЯФиТ и стратегия развития - создание и развитие научно-образовательного центра мирового уровня в области ядерной физики и технологий, радиационного материаловедения, физики элементарных частиц, астрофизики и космофизики.
Ольга Александровна
2 results
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- ПубликацияОткрытый доступThermal resistance of steels with increased strength properties for pressure vessels of advanced VVER reactors of various designs(2023) Maltsev, D. A.; Исаенкова, Маргарита Геннадьевна; Крымская, Ольга Александровна; Федотов, Иван Владимирович; Кулешова, Евгения Анатольевна; Минушкин, Роман Александрович; Kuleshova, E. A.; Fedotov, I. V.; Isaenkova, M. G.; Krymskaya, O. A.; Minushkin, R. A.The paper considers the results of structural studies and mechanical tests after a long-term thermal exposure of laboratory heats of the metallurgically improved 15Kh2NMFA steel and steel with an increased content of nickel considered as materials for the pressure vessels of advanced VVER-type reactors of various designs. It has been shown that, both for the improved 15Kh2NMFA steel and the high-nickel steel, there are no signs of grain boundary embrittlement after an segregation provoking embrittlement heat treatment. This is explained by the extremely low grain boundary segregation of phosphorus in the initial state caused by a high degree of the structure dispersity as well as by rather a low content of impurities. Besides, no changes have been found in the yield strength value for the improved 15Kh2NMFA steel, which agrees with the structure investigation results. For the high-nickel steel, a tendency towards a minor yield strength decrease by 5 to 10% and a regular reduction of the critical brittleness temperature has been revealed. A decrease in the mechanical properties has been caused by a relatively low temperature of tempering for the high-nickel steel and, accordingly, by the potential occurrence of the structure recovery during long-term thermal exposure, as evidenced by the results of an X-ray diffraction analysis. Despite the structure recovery in the high-nickel steel under the long-term thermal exposure, the main strengthening carbide phases remain stable. Due to this, the yield strength value remains at a relatively high level that exceeds the values for the modern VVER-type vessel steels, even in the case of a thermal exposure much in excess of the expected operating conditions for advanced VVER reactors. The observed decrease of critical brittleness temperature during the long-term thermal exposure contributes to an increase in the steel resistance to brittle fracture.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеSTRUCTURE, CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC TEXTURE AND ANISOTROPY OF PROPERTIES OF VZh159 ALLOY AND HOW THEY ARE INFLUENCED BY REGIMES OF SELECTIVE LASER MELTING AND FINAL HEAT TREATMENT(2022) Rubanov, A. E.; Isaenkova, M. G.; Krymskaya, O. A.; Yudin, A. V.; Исаенкова, Маргарита Геннадьевна; Крымская, Ольга АлександровнаThis paper examines the effect of scanning strategy (unidirectional scan, island scan and a scan with a 60° turn of the laser beam between layers) during selective laser melting and heat treatment on the crystallographic texture and mechanical properties of VZh159 alloy specimens. Application of different scanning strategies leads to two types of crystallographic texture formed in specimens: the axial component <100> gets reinforced in the unidirectional strategy, while it is the texture component {100}<001> in the other cases. After printing, the specimens were subjected to different regimes of heat treat-ment. They included quenching from 1,100° C; quenching from 1,100° C and ageing at 800 and 700° C; quenching from 1,100° C and ageing at 900, 800, 700 and 650° C. When heat treatment (ageing) tests are conducted at room temperature, it leads to increased yield point and strength as a result of se-condary phase precipitation at grain boundary and in grain core, while pla-sticity drops. During high temperature tests, no strength gain was found after heat treatment. In all heat treatment regimes, the authors observed anisotropy of mechanical properties in the specimens caused by the crystallographic texture that remains after heat treatment. The maximum strength and yield point were detected at 45° load application to growth direction during printing. At the same time, the anisotropy of yield point does not change during high temperature mechanical testing (at 850° C) and has no dependence on the amount of additional precipitates. It suggests that crystallographic texture plays a defi-ning role for anisotropy of properties. The research was conducted under financial support of Russian Federation presented by the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Agreement No. 075-15-2021-1352). © 2022, Ore and Metals Publishing house. All rights reserved.