Ксенофонтов, Александр Иванович

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Институт ядерной физики и технологий
Цель ИЯФиТ и стратегия развития - создание и развитие научно-образовательного центра мирового уровня в области ядерной физики и технологий, радиационного материаловедения, физики элементарных частиц, астрофизики и космофизики.
Руководитель научной группы "Регулирование радиационной безопасности и вывод из эксплуатации ОИАЭ"
Александр Иванович

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    An effective method of simulation for the Leksell Gamma knife Perfexion by rotating Particles in the Phase space file ЭффеКТИВныи способ МоДелИроВАнИя сИсТеМы LekseLL Gamma knife Perfexion МеТоДоМ поВороТА В фАиле фАзоВого просТрАнсТВА
    (2020) Dalechina, A. V.; Medjadj, T.; Ksenofontov, A. I.; Ксенофонтов, Александр Иванович
    © 2020 State Research Center, Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency. All rights reserved.Purpose: To develop an effective method of Monte Carlo simulation of the GammaKnife Perfexion system by rotating particles in the phase space file (PSF). This method does not require simulating of all 192 sources that are distributed in the conical form of the Perfexion collimator. The simulation was performed only for 5 out of 192 sources for each collimator size. Material and methods: Monte Carlo simulation of dose distribution for previous models of GammaKnife system requires phase space file for only one source, since this phase space is identical for all the 201 sources. The Perfexion model is more complex due to the non-coaxial positions of the sources and the complexity of the collimator system itself. In this work, we present an effective method to simulate the Perfexion model using a phase space file. Penelope Monte Carlo code was used to perform this simulation. In this method, the PSF was obtained for one source in each ring, resulting in five files for each collimator size. PSF for other sources were created by azimuthal redistribution of particles, in the obtained PSF, by rotation around the Z-axis. The phase space files of the same ring were then stored together in a single file. Results: The paper presented MC simulation using the azimuthal redistribution of particles in the phase space file by rotation around the Z-axis. The simulation has been validated comparing the dose profiles and output factors with the data of the algorithm TMR10 planning system Leksell Gamma Plan (LGP) in a homogeneous environment. The acceptance criterion between TMR10 and Monte Carlo calculations for the profiles was based on the gamma index (GI). Index values more than one were not detected in all cases, which indicates a good agreement of results. The differences between the output factors obtained in this work and the TMR10 data for collimators 8 mm and 4 mm are 0.74 and 0.73 %, respectively. Conclusion: In this work successfully implemented an effective method of simulating the Leksell Gamma knife Perfexion system. The presented method does not require modeling for all 192 sources distributed in the conical form of the Perfexion collimator. The simulation was performed for only five sources for each collimator and their files PSF were obtained. These files were used to create the PSF files for other sources by azimuthal redistribution of particles, in these files, by rotation around the Z-axis providing correct calculations of dose distributions in a homogeneous medium for 16, 8 and 4 mm collimators.
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    Technological leadership in nuclear decommissioning: The needs in human resource development
    (2020) Mikhailovna, M. E.; Leonidovna, A. I.; Ksenofontov, A. I.; Kondratenko, P. S.; Ксенофонтов, Александр Иванович
    © 2020 Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering, National Research Nuclear University 'MEPhI'. All rights reserved.Expanding efforts on decommissioning shutdown nuclear facilities represent the long-term, large-scale and ambitious strategic direction for the Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation. The present paper provides estimated numbers of different types of nuclear facilities to be decommissioned and the duration of various stages of these works. Technical complexity and high cost of decommissioning nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities associated with the uniqueness of some nuclear objects as well with systematic disregard of specific decommissioning problems during the design and operation stages are also noted. Rosatom's focus on the technological leadership in this area requires preparation in a timely manner of qualified and motivated personnel. The paper readdresses the key IAEA requirements for training and managing human resources for the final phases of decommissioning of nuclear installations, as well as discusses the Rosatom achievements in this field. The centers of competence as pertains to certain types of decommissioning operations already formed in a number of Russian industrial enterprises and scientific institutes are named. It is demonstrated that the key step in developing effective training system for Rosatom's new area of activities is to formulate a strategic vision of how and when human resources must be used and what specific competencies are needed during the final stages of the nuclear facilities' life cycle. Analysis of relevant experience of the Rosatom's Scientific-Technical Board No.10 «Ecology and radiation safety» reveals that sizeable potential associated with optimization of radiation protection is underused now. The paper emphasizes the need for multidisciplinary training of nuclear decommissioning project managers with compulsory studying of the basics of radiobiology and radioecology, design management and risk management.
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    Application of simulation modelling approaches for analyzing γ-radiation characteristics of a plume induced by a Nuclear Accident at NPP
    (2019) Ksenofontov, A. I.; Elokhin, A. P.; Alalem, E. A.; Ксенофонтов, Александр Иванович; Елохин, Александр Прокопьевич
    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. Method Monte Carlo is applied to assess the radiological impacts to the environment. As such cases, determining the dose rates due to external radiation source is considered, that is induced by radioactive inert gases when they are released from a nuclear power plant; also to estimate the volumetric concentrations of the released radioactive inert gases, and other characteristics associated with the use of gamma detectors of the automated radiation monitoring systems of the environment and unmanned aircraft radiometric system. In order to assure the reliability and the accuracy of the calculations by Monte Carlo method for the dose rates estimations, the results are compared with the results that obtained by the integral method, which showed satisfactory agreement.
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    Experimental Validation of Monte Carlo Simulation for the Leksell Gamma Knife Perfexion Using Gafchromic EBT3 Dosimetry Film and Diamond Detector T60019 PTW
    (2021) Dalechina, A. V.; Kirpichev, Y. S.; Medjadj, T.; Ksenofontov, A. I.; Klimanov, V. A.; Ксенофонтов, Александр Иванович
    © 2021, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.Abstract: This work presents experimental measurements performed using GAFChromic EBT3 dosimetry film and diamond detector T60019 to validate penEasy Monte Carlo based model developed previously for the Leksell Gamma Knife Perfexion. The relative dose profiles along X and Z coordinate axes, for each collimator size 4, 8, and 16 mm, and the relative output factors have been investigated. The penEasy model has been validated comparing the calculated output factors and dose profiles with the corresponding experimental results. The differences between the calculated output factors and the corresponding data measured with diamond detector were found to be 1.8 and 2.1% for the 8 and 4 mm collimator, respectively. Excellent agreement was found between penEasy and EBT3 results. The differences in the output factors were found to be 0.4% and −0.7% for the 8 and 4 mm collimators, respectively. The relative dose profiles were found to be in good agreement for both detectors and penEasy data. The gamma index test returns values (3%, 1 mm) < 1 for all profiles comparison calculated between penEasy and EBT3 film.