Персона: Ксенофонтов, Александр Иванович
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Институт ядерной физики и технологий
Цель ИЯФиТ и стратегия развития - создание и развитие научно-образовательного центра мирового уровня в области ядерной физики и технологий, радиационного материаловедения, физики элементарных частиц, астрофизики и космофизики.
Руководитель научной группы "Регулирование радиационной безопасности и вывод из эксплуатации ОИАЭ"
Александр Иванович
2 results
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Теперь показываю 1 - 2 из 2
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступThe development and application of a method for assessing radionuclide surface contamination density based on measurements of ambient dose equivalent rate(2019) Chizhov, K.; Yu, Bragin; Sneve, M. K.; Shandala, N.; Ksenofontov, A.; Kryanev, A.; Ксенофонтов, Александр Иванович; Крянев, Александр ВитальевичThis article presents a method for assessing the radionuclide surface contamination density (SCD) on open sites and in premises of a radiation hazardous facility based on measurements of the ambient dose equivalent rate (ADER). The method is intended for use at the initial stage of the assessment of the radiation environment at facilities. The assessed SCD at a given location on the surface can differ from the directly measured SCD at that location, since sources located on the surface and distributed by the depth contribute to the ADER value. The method makes it possible to estimate SCD with reasonable accuracy without increasing the number of measurements, and thus avoid additional occupational exposure and the use of additional resources. SCD and ADER as spatial variables have different support of measurement data. For ADER, measured at a height of 1 m, the support of measurement data can be taken to be a circle in the centre of which a gamma-ray detector is located, with a radius of several tens of meters. In contrast, SCD has the support of measurement data, close to the overall dimensions of the beta detector (100 cm(2)). To solve the problem of SCD calculation on the basis of ADER measurements, the method of conversion coefficients (MCC) is usually applied, based on the use of conversion factors; however, this method provides an adequate estimate only under conditions of an SCD with low gradient over the surface. The method proposed in this article is applicable for an arbitrary distribution of SCD, and designed to deal with heterogeneous contamination patterns. The developed method is based on the numerical solution of the Fredholm equation of the first kind. The measurement data always contain an error, therefore, the task of the SCD calculation is an ill-posed problem, and the Tikhonov regularisation method (ridge regression) was used to solve it. The article presents the method developed and examples of use. Validation of the method was performed using 38 measurements of the radioactive contamination from Cs-137 in soil. It is shown that the method proposed in the article demonstrates a significant superiority in comparison with the MCC method, because it allows more accurate localisation of areas contaminated with radionuclides and is applicable for an arbitrary distribution of SCD.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступTopographical classification of dose distributions: implications for control for worker exposure(2020) Bragin, Y.; Chizhov, K.; Sneve, M. K.; Tsovyanov, A.; Ksenofontov, A.; Kryanev, A.; Ксенофонтов, Александр Иванович; Крянев, Александр ВитальевичThis paper deals with classification of dose distributions of nuclear workers based on antikurtosis (Q) and entropy coefficients (K) and their relationship presented in QK-diagrams. It is shown that determination of the most appropriate distribution to adopt, for a specific data set of a wide range of input data, requires building and analysing QK-diagrams for distributions of logarithms of individual doses. Actual dose distributions for emergency and occupational exposure situations were then considered, as well as doses for one day of work during clean-up and routine activities. It is shown that, in all cases, three types of distributions of logarithms of individual doses were present: normal, Weibull and Chapeau. The location of the representation point of a dose distribution reflects the degree of dose control of the group of workers whose individual doses are collectively displayed in the QK-diagram. The more the representation point of the analysed distribution of the logarithms of the individual dose of a given contingent of workers deviates from the point of the lognormal distribution, the more there was intervention in the process of individual dose accumulation. Thus, QK-diagrams could be used to develop a dose control function. It is shown that the hybrid lognormal distribution, which is widely used in the field of radiation safety, for the purpose of approximation of real dose distributions, is unable to satisfactorily describe many dose distributions arising in aftermath operations and occupational exposure.