Весна, Елена Борисовна

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Институт фундаментальных проблем социо-гуманитарных наук
Институт фундаментальных проблем социо-гуманитарных наук (ИФП СГН) был создан в 2022 году для решения стратегических задач развития НИЯУ МИФИ. Основной целью создания ИФП СГН является повышение качества гуманитарного образования. В связи с этим, в число приоритетных задач Института входит: консолидация гуманитарных ресурсов НИЯУ МИФИ; курирование междисциплинарных исследований и проектов.
Проректор, доктор психологических наук, профессор, председатель Экспертного совета ВАК по педагогике и психологии при МОН РФ
Елена Борисовна

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2017, Конюхов, И. Ю., Руденко, В. А., Василенко, Н. П., Весна, Елена Борисовна

В работе выделены особенности современного этапа разработки профессиональных стандартов, который характеризуется активной, в соответствии с нормативными документами, стадией их внедрения, а также завершением жизненного цикла стандартов, разработанных ранее. Создаются структуры, обеспечивающие административное сопровождение внедрения профессиональных стандартов, повышается уровень ответственности работодателей, привлекаемых к проведению экспертизы разрабатываемых документов, появляются возможности анализа допущенных неточностей в ранее утвержденных профессиональных стандартах. Отмечена необходимость учета трудовых действий профессиональных стандартов при разработке основной образовательной программы высшего и среднего специального образования.

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About a New Model of Engineering Training

2019, Sysoev, A. A., Aleksandrov, Y. I., Весна, Елена Борисовна

The aim of the article is to present a model of training engineers based on new approaches to engineering education, taking into account the modern achievements of psychology. The authors believe that the main reason for the insufficient level of engineering training is the discrepancy between the essence of the knowledge transferred to students (both form and content) to the specifics of engineering activity. Therefore, the most important task is to eliminate this contradiction. The basis of the proposed model of engineering training is the design of the educational process in the logic of engineering process in the development of innovative technology. This learning technology called “Simulation-Activity Technology of Engineering Training” (SATET) has been developed and tested at the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI in training engineersdevelopers of innovative technology. The foundations laid in the proposed technology of engineering training, and the mechanisms for its implementation can be considered as a start for the development of a new paradigm of training engineers.

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Novel approach to the formation of the engineering skills of students

2016, Sysoev, A. A., Весна, Елена Борисовна

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Dissertation Research on Pedagogy: Situation, Problems, Resources

2023, Serikov, V. V., Весна, Елена Борисовна

In the article the situation and trends in the development of dissertations in pedagogy have being analyzed, positive trends and reasons for the low quality of individual dissertations is indicated. The authors focus on methodological “omissions” that reduce the scientific value of dissertations. Authors include to that the construction by dissertators of key theoretical and methodological premises of the study – a research question, a hypothesis, a concept, novelty, a model of the process under study, an experimental substantiation of the conclusions, which reflect the “deficiencies” of the methodological culture of authors, the specifics of pedagogical research are not taken into account. The authors try to explain why these “conclusions” often cause mistrust among practicing teachers. Constructive recommendations for conducting a dissertation research are also made in the article.

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Online courses at international and national platforms and the possibility of creating a digital educational environment for megaprojects

2019, Belaga, V. V., Dolgy, E. V., Klygina, K. V., Kochnev, P. O., Panebrattsev, Y. A., Sidorov, N. E., Весна, Елена Борисовна, Кочнев, Павел Олегович

Professional training for mega-science projects is a matter of pressing concern. The National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (NRNU MEPhI) created online courses on the topic of Strategic Academic Units (SAU). These courses are published on the most popular international platforms for mass open educational resources: Coursera and edX. NRNU MEPhI online courses are also presented on the National Open Education Platform and the Educational Portal of NRNU MEPhI. NRNU MEPhI students participate in various modern international projects, including megaprojects of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) among which are creation of the NICA collider, experiments on the synthesis of new elements, research in the field of the physics of condensed state of matter and environmental science carried out at a high-resolution neutron source. At the initiative of the JINR University Centre, the JINR Educational Portal was created. It hosts online courses created by JINR scientists on the topic of mega-projects. The report discusses proposals on the possible integration of the efforts of NRNU MEPhI teachers and JINR scientists in creating a digital multidisciplinary educational environment, which will support formation of individual learning trajectories for professionals for their further work in mega-science projects.