Персона: Рачков, Валерий Иванович
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Институт ядерной физики и технологий
Цель ИЯФиТ и стратегия развития - создание и развитие научно-образовательного центра мирового уровня в области ядерной физики и технологий, радиационного материаловедения, физики элементарных частиц, астрофизики и космофизики.
Валерий Иванович
3 results
Результаты поиска
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- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеStudying the effective longitudinal turbulent transfer at transverse streamlining of in-line tube bundles(2019) Rachkov, V. I.; Fedoseev, V. N.; Pisarevsky, M. I.; Korsun, A. S.; Merinov, I. G.; Balberkina, Y. N.; Рачков, Валерий Иванович; Федосеев, Вячеслав Николаевич; Корсун, Александр Сергеевич; Меринов, Игорь Геннадьевич© 2019, V.I. Rachkov, V.N. Fedoseev, M.I. Pisarevskiy, A.S. Korsun, I.G. Merinov, and Yu.N. Balberkina.The experimental values of the effective thermal conductivity of water at transverse streamlining of the in-line rod bundles with square packing have been obtained. The effective thermal conductivity of water was measured in the direction parallel to the axes of the rods. The measurement method implied mixing of two flat parallel water flows in the working area; the latter moved at the same velocities, but had different temperatures. By measuring the flow temperatures before and after the mixing area, the amount of heat transferred from the hot to the cold flow was determined and the effective thermal conductivity of the liquid was calculated. In the investigated range of Reynolds numbers (from 7·103 to 8·104), calculated by the velocity in a narrow section, the experimental effective thermal conductivity of water showed a linear increase with increasing velocity and good agreement with the results of calculations by the integral turbulence model. The obtained experimental data have confirmed the possibility of using an integral turbulence model to calculate the parameters of the anisotropic porous solid model, used in CFD codes simulating thermal-hydraulic processes in the active zones of nuclear reactors and heat exchangers.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеThermal conductivity of lead in the temperature range of 350–1000 °C(2022) Kruglov, A. B.; Rachkov, V. I.; Merinov, I. G.; Kharitonov, V. S.; Paredes, L. P.; Круглов, Александр Борисович; Рачков, Валерий Иванович; Меринов, Игорь Геннадьевич; Харитонов, Владимир СтепановичThe article presents the results of measuring the coefficient of thermal conductivity of lead in the temperature range of 350–1000 °C using the pulse heating method. The methodology of processing experimental data is described. The estimates of the experimental data error are given. The difference in the content of impurities in the lead samples is shown to have an in significant effect on the thermal conductivity coefficient of the lead melt. The deviation of the experimental data on the thermal conductivity of lead from the proposed approximating function does not exceed ±2 %. The obtained data are compared with the known recommended dependences for calculating the thermal conductivity coefficient of lead. © 2022, A.B. Kruglov, V.I. Rachkov, I.G. Merinov, V.S. Kharitonov, and L.P. Paredes.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеCorrelation between the dynamic velocity and average heat transfer coefficient in transversely streamlined in-line and staggered tube bundles(2020) Rachkov, V. I.; Fedoseev, V. N.; Pisarevsky, M. I.; Pisarevskaya, M. I.; Рачков, Валерий Иванович; Федосеев, Вячеслав Николаевич© 2020, V.I. Rachkov, V.N. Fedoseev, M.I. Pisarevsky, and M.I. Pisarevskaya.On the basis of the analysis of a large array of experimental data on average heat transfer and hydraulic resistance, calculations of the dynamic velocity on the wall in deep rows of in-line and staggered tube bundles transversely streamlined by the turbulent flow of the coolant are performed. In addition, energy consumption is calculated based on experimental data on the hydraulic resistance of rod assemblies. The obtained results serve to determine the coefficient of proportionality between the dynamic velocity and the energy consumption for pumping the coolant. The proposed calculation formulas for the proportionality coefficient allow computing the average heat transfer coefficient in transversely streamlined in-line and staggered tube bundles in a wide range of rod packing spacings and Reynolds numbers, using the universal dependence of heat transfer on dynamic velocity.