Персона: Тихомиров, Георгий Валентинович
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Институт ядерной физики и технологий
Цель ИЯФиТ и стратегия развития - создание и развитие научно-образовательного центра мирового уровня в области ядерной физики и технологий, радиационного материаловедения, физики элементарных частиц, астрофизики и космофизики.
Руководитель научной группы "Лаборатория виртуальной реальности в области ядерных технологий"
Руководитель научной группы "Лаборатория инженерного компьютерного моделирования"
Руководитель научной группы "Лаборатория инженерного компьютерного моделирования"
Георгий Валентинович
26 results
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Теперь показываю 1 - 10 из 26
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеSKETCH-N/ATHLET steady-state and dynamic coupling scheme verification on Kalinin-3 benchmark results(2020) Zimin, V. ; Nikonov, S. ; Perin, Ya. ; Henry, R. ; Velkov, K. ; Романенко, Владислав Игоревич; Тихомиров, Георгий Валентинович; Tikhomirov, G. V.; Romanenko,V. I.; Зимин, Вячеслав ГеннадьевичThe paper describes the multi-physics coupling scheme between the SKETCH-N nodal neutronics code and the best-estimate thermohydraulic code ATHLET v3.2. Some first results are discussed. Various possible options of coupling have been considered. A scheme is selected and applied for data exchange between the codes based on MPI library. The verification and validation were performed using the transient of the Kalinin-3 international Benchmark. The simulation results show good agreement with experimental data and calculations performed by the participants of the benchmark. Parallel to the coupling scheme development, a visualization system to process the results is being created. The steady-state analysis is carried out using both simple and complex thermohydraulic models. The calculations of the transient \Switch off of one MCP (Main Coolant Pump) at nominal power" is performed applying a more elaborate thermohydraulic model taking into account inter- channel mass transfer.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеCurrent status of SMRs and S&MRs development in the world(2023) Pioro, I. L. ; Duffey, R. B. ; Kirillov, P. L. ; Dort-Goltz, N. ; Тихомиров, Георгий Валентинович; Смирнов, Антон Дмитриевич; Smirnov, A. D.; Tikhomirov, G. V.This chapter examines Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), which are modular-type nuclear reactors with installed capacities ≤ 300 MWel with claimed features of “modularity” in design, production, and/or construction, and Small- and Medium-size Reactors (S&MRs), with installed capacities ≤ 300 MWel (Small) and > 300–700 MWel (Medium-size), many having claimed features of “modularity” in design, production, and/or construction. The requirements and objectives for any and all new nuclear reactors of any and all sizes are given as: safer than previous “generations”; having low financial risk exposure and capital cost; ease and speed of build; readily licensable; simple to operate and secure; assured fuel supply and sustainability; providing social value and acceptance; and still being competitive. Existing SMRs and S&MRs are tabulated by type, country, and status. Although many SMR designs and concepts have been proposed, Russia is the first country in the world to develop, design, and put into operation two SMRs, and Russian technology is examined in detail in this chapter, with numerous diagrams and photos of various systems provided.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеComputational approaches for determining the nuclear heating value of structural materials during the irradiation at the IGR reactor(2024) Kelsingazina, R.; Vityuk, V.; Vurim, A.; Tikhomirov, G.; Тихомиров, Георгий Валентинович
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеEvaluation of technological uncertainties using the sensitivity to nuclear data(2024) Ryzhkov, A. A.; Tikhomirov, G. V.; Ternovykh, M. Y.; Gerasimov, A. S.; Рыжков, Александр Александрович; Тихомиров, Георгий Валентинович; Терновых, Михаил Юрьевич
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеAngular distribution uncertainty influence in a large sodium-cooled fast reactor with mixed-oxide fuel(2024) Ryzhkov, A. A.; Tikhomirov, G. V.; Ternovykh, M. Y.; Рыжков, Александр Александрович; Тихомиров, Георгий Валентинович; Терновых, Михаил Юрьевич
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеIndependent testing of new generation codes of the "Proryv" project(2021) Suslov, I. R.; Tikhomirov, G. V.; Ternovykh, M. Y.; Khomyakov, Y. S.; Тихомиров, Георгий Валентинович; Терновых, Михаил Юрьевич; Хомяков, Юрий Сергеевич
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеA review of the current nuclear data performance assessments in advanced nuclear reactor systems(2024) Ryzhkov, A. A.; Tikhomirov, G. V.; Ternovykh, M. Y.; Рыжков, Александр Александрович; Тихомиров, Георгий Валентинович; Терновых, Михаил Юрьевич
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеPotential of the vver reactor spectral regulation with regard for fuel burn-up(2020) Elazaka, A. I.; Tikhomirov, G. V.; Тихомиров, Георгий Валентинович© 2020 Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering, National Research Nuclear University 'MEPhI'. All rights reserved.Neutron spectrum control in a nuclear reactor makes it possible to monitor excessive reactivity through the absorption of excess neutrons in the absorber or by changing the uranium-water ratio. The paper deals with investigating the potential of the VVER reactor neutron spectrum control with the use of displacers. Zirconium rods of different diameters (Zr rods) were used as the displacers. The Zr rods were positioned between fuel rods. Introducing the Zr rods between the fuel rods and increasing their diameter leads to a decrease in the amount of water inside of the reactor and to a reduction in the multiplication factor. Excessive reactivity is made up for in current VVER reactors through the dissolution of boric acid in water. The results of comparing the potential efficiency of displacer utilization against the use of boric regulation are presented. The burn-up calculations have shown that adding Zr rods to the VVER-1000 geometry reduces the U-235 burning rate and enhances the Pu-239 production. The concentration of plutonium isotopes increases with the Zr rod diameter increase. Important safety parameters involved in the change of the moderator-fuel ratio are density and Doppler reactivity coefficients. These coefficients were therefore calculated with the obtained results demonstrating the potential safety of using displacers in VVER reactors instead of boric regulation. This has proved that the use of Zr rods as the neutron spectrum regulator makes it possible to maintain the neutron economy and to monitor excessive reactivity inside of VVERs.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеElective course “nuclear physics” for high school students – Synthesis of traditional textbook with the modern computer tools(2019) Belaga, V.; Dolgy, E.; Klygina, K.; Kochnev, P.; Delov, M.; Kondakov, V.; Struchalin, P.; Tikhomirov, G.; Делов, Максим Игоревич; Стручалин, Павел Геннадьевич; Тихомиров, Георгий ВалентиновичCopyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).An elective course “Nuclear Physics” was developed for high school students, including a traditional textbook, a computer application and various interactive educational materials and 3D models available on mobile devices using QR codes. The main idea of the course can be formulated as “From Nuclear Physics to Nuclear Technologies”. The elective course includes not only basic laws of nuclear physics, but also the application of these laws in nuclear astrophysics, in the synthesis of new elements, nuclear energy, nuclear medicine, ecology and radiobiology. Each chapter in the textbook provides links to additional digital materials: video lectures, examples of problem solving and additional materials for advanced study. At the end of the textbook, you can also find the references to a virtual practicum on nuclear physics, final tests, and approximate research and project works. The textbook pays special attention to the modern achievements of nuclear physics. It contains information of modern international experiments, conducted at JINR and other international scientific centers.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеVisualization of neutron characteristics distribution of debris particles(2020) Takezawa, H.; Muramoto, T.; Nishiyama, J.; Obara, T.; Pugachev, P. A.; Bogdanova, E. V.; Saldikov, I. S.; Smirnov, A. D.; Ternovykh, M. Y.; Tikhomirov, G. V.; Пугачев, Павел Александрович; Богданова, Екатерина Владимировна; Смирнов, Антон Дмитриевич; Терновых, Михаил Юрьевич; Тихомиров, Георгий Валентинович© 2020 National Research Nuclear University. All rights reserved.Accident at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant led to increase of importance of safe-ty justification for processes at post-accident facilities in nuclear industry. One of such pro-cesses is extraction of corium from reactors cavity. Recriticality of this process is defined by potential unacceptable accident. This paper introduces supporting code for neutron fluxes and reaction rates visualization in systems with complex geometry that can be used in model-ing of corium removing works. Visualization code is based on Unreal Engine 4 game engine. Code allows observing neutronic functionals distribution in three dimensions. The reseach and provided implementation details help to understand the physical processes that take place as the accidents occur during corium removing works.
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