Персона: Красникова, Светлана Анатольевна
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Cognitive approach in the implementation of local geodynamic monitoring
2021, Zolotukhina, E. B., Krasnikova, S. A., Medvedkova, I. V., Bushina K. S., Красникова, Светлана Анатольевна, Бушина, Ксения Сергеевна, Факультет бизнес-информатики и управления комплексными системами
© 2020 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.International practice shows that the most effective way to reduce the socio-economic consequences of natural and man-made emergencies is to prevent them. This prevention is based on constant monitoring of industrial facilities and provides information support for the procedures of decision-making to prevent such emergencies. Far years, higher requirements are placed on systems for monitoring, modeling, forecasting and managing emergencies. One of the possible solutions is the cognitive modeling - an approach based on new opportunities in the field of mathematical modeling, information technologies and telecommunications.
Using information and communication technologies in teaching the academic discipline lifecycle management of information systems
2020, Zolotukhina, E. B., Medvedkova, I. V., Krasnikova, S. A., Красникова, Светлана Анатольевна, Факультет бизнес-информатики и управления комплексными системами
© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The results of the research on the application of information and communication technologies in teaching the discipline "Lifecycle management of information systems"in higher education institutions majoring in "Business Informatics"are presented in the article. The choice of methods, notations and modeling tools supporting the life cycle of information systems creation was carried out on the basis of peer inspections. The information for the execution of an examination was systematized in the form of passports of methods, notations and modeling tools. The package of educational materials, including interactive lectures, laboratory work, business games, independent tasks that form students' professional competencies, was created using the selected techniques, notations and modeling tools. It is proposed to include elements of a package of training materials when teaching other engineering disciplines related to the creation of various automated systems, including information and software systems.