Чугунков, Илья Владимирович

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Институт интеллектуальных кибернетических систем
Цель ИИКС и стратегия развития - это подготовка кадров, способных противостоять современным угрозам и вызовам, обладающих знаниями и компетенциями в области кибернетики, информационной и финансовой безопасности для решения задач разработки базового программного обеспечения, повышения защищенности критически важных информационных систем и противодействия отмыванию денег, полученных преступным путем, и финансированию терроризма.
Илья Владимирович

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Statistical Tests for Replacement Blocks Assessment

2021, Chugunkov, I. V., Kliuchnikova, B. V., Riakhovskaia, I. S., Chugunkov, V. I., Чугунков, Илья Владимирович

© 2021 IEEE.The basic operations of the round function of any block cipher are substitution and permutation. The article discusses approaches to the implementation of the replacement operation. The main cryptographic primitive, namely the block of substitutions or S-block, and its variations, such as, the R-block, are considered. Requirements for a high-quality substitution block are formulated. The approaches to the assessment of replacement blocks are analyzed. Methods to improve their efficiency are proposed. Forecasts for the development of replacement blocks are made.

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Critical view at quality evaluation systems of stochastic algorithms for information security

2019, Chugunkov, V. I., Chuzunkov, I. V., Dyumin, A. A., Maksutov, A. A., Liman, D. A., Чугунков, Илья Владимирович, Дюмин, Александр Александрович, Максутов, Артем Артурович

© 2017 IEEE. This paper is devoted to pseudo-random number (PRN) generator testing. The main evaluation systems of statistical properties of pseudo-random sequences formed by PRN generator are considered in the scope of this work. Weaknesses of such systems and ways of tests bypassing were revealed. The example of improving statistical properties of generator through adding statistical randomizer is given. We also propose approach to increasing efficiency of evaluation systems of statistical security of stochastic algorithms based on the usage of artificial neural networks.

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The Construction of Contolled S-box

2022, Chugunkov, V. I., Chugunkov, I. V., Kliuchnikova, B. V., Lebedev, P., Komarov, T. I., Kiamov, A. A., Чугунков, Илья Владимирович, Комаров, Тимофей Ильич

© 2022 IEEE.The development of block cryptoalgorithms does not stand still. There are new architectures and increase of key information. But there is one primitive that will always be present in block cryptoalgorithms. This is a substitution table or S-box. At the same time, the development of cryptography also requires the improvement of S-box. The article discusses approaches to improve the S-box efficiency. The structure of the substitution table with a controlled operation logic is proposed. The effectiveness of the proposed approaches is assessed.

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Pseudorandom Number Generators with Predeterminated Period and Pre-period

2020, Chugunkov, V. I., Chugunkov, I. V., Kliuchnikova, B. V., Tsyganov, V. S., Ivanov, M. A., Чугунков, Илья Владимирович, Иванов, Михаил Александрович

© 2020 IEEE.One of the characteristics of pseudorandom number generator is the period of the sequence generated by it. Usually it is required that the period value should be as maximum as possible for a given software or hardware-software configuration. However, in some cases, a departure from this rule is necessary. The paper proposes the variant of constructing a non-linear pseudorandom number generator with a predetermined period and pre-period. The application areas of these generator types are considered. The results of the statistical properties evaluation of the generated sequences are presented.

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Construction of Multidimensional Stochastic Transformation Blocks

2019, Chugunkov, V. I., Chugunkov, I. V., Kliuchnikova, B. V., Yadykin, I. M., Gulyaev, V. A., Чугунков, Илья Владимирович, Ядыкин, Игорь Михайлович

© 2019 IEEE.The article is devoted to the improvement of stochastic transformation blocks (R-blocks). The principles of R- blocks construction are considered. We review the examples of R- blocks using in the cryptographic algorithms. The structure of two-dimensional stochastic transformation block is proposed, as well as the method for construction of multidimensional R- blocks. The using of improved R-blocks for construction of multidimensional algorithms is proposed. The results of evaluation of statistical properties of the multidimensional stochastic transformation blocks are given.

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Method for improving the statistical properties of pseudo-random number generators

2019, Chugunkov, V. I., Chugunkov, I. V., Gulyaev, V. A., Baranova, E. A., Чугунков, Илья Владимирович

© 2019 IEEE The article is devoted to the issues of increasing the statistical safety of pseudo-random number generators by equalizing the properties of the generated sequences. The traditional generator structure assumes two stages: the first provides good statistical properties and a long period of the formed sequence, the second is responsible for unpredictability and cryptographic resistance. In this case, the second stage can lead to deterioration in the statistical properties of the sequence formed by the generator. An approach based on adding to the traditional two-stage generators architecture of third-stage is considered. A variant of the third stage construction is proposed. The possibilities of applying the proposed approach to improve the statistical properties of modern ciphers are described. The results of statistical properties researches of the generators with implemented third stage are given.

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Improvement of P-box Efficiency

2020, Chugunkov, I. V., Kliuchnikova, B. V., Riakhovskaia, I. S., Chernikova, E. A., Chugunkov, V. I., Чугунков, Илья Владимирович

© 2020 IEEE.Modern block ciphers are built by combining the substitution blocks (S-boxes) with the permutation blocks (P-boxes). The principles of P-box building are considered in the paper. The issue of the impact of P-box on the diffusion and confusion is discussed. The structure of improved P-box is proposed. The possibility of improved P-box using the in modern block ciphers is estimated. The statistical properties of block ciphers with usual and improved P-boxes are shown.

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Issues of Replacement Blocks Quality Assessment for Stochastic Information Security

2019, Chugunkov, V. I., Chugunkov, I. V., Kliuchnikova, B. V., Ivanov, M. I., Riakhovskaia, I. S., Tsyganov, V. S., Чугунков, Илья Владимирович

© 2019 IEEE.The article is devoted to the issues of building and quality assessment of replacement block or S-box, which is one of the main blocks of cryptographic transformation. The principles of S-box designing are considered, examples of their using in modern block ciphers are given. The issues of assessing the statistical safety of S-boxes, in particular, the criteria used for the analysis of S-blocks are investigated. The structure of the program system for the study of the statistical properties of S-boxes is proposed. The results of the S-boxes analysis for the main modern cryptographic algorithms are given. Assumptions about the possibility of mathematical apparatus using for the statistical properties of S-boxes analyzing are made.

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Generators with the given distribution law

2019, Chugunkov, V. I., Chugunkov, I. V., Riakhovskaia, I. S., Matriukhina, E. A., Ivanov, M. A., Чугунков, Илья Владимирович, Иванов, Михаил Александрович

© 2019 IEEE Pseudo-random number generators (PRNG) play an important role in the tasks of information security. Reliability and safety of information collection, processing, storage and transfer in computer systems and networks depend on PRNG's properties. As a rule, the distribution of symbols in the sequences created by generators submits to the uniform distribution law. But in some cases it is necessary that the generator created the sequences with the distribution law other than uniform. This article proposes an approach to the construction of such generators based on PRNG's. The schemes for constructing generators with a distribution law that is non-uniform are provided. At last, recommendations for estimating the properties of generators with a given distribution law are produced.