Персона: Богданович, Борис Юрьевич
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Борис Юрьевич
3 results
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Теперь показываю 1 - 3 из 3
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступThe control of unprocessed oil stratums debit restoring by method of ultasound influence with well neutron generator(2019) Berdonosova, N. A.; Zhuyikov, Y. F.; Ilyinskiy, A. V.; Bogdanovich, B. Y.; Dmitriev, M. S.; Nestorovich, A. V.; Shikanov, A. E.; Shikanov, E. A.; Богданович, Борис Юрьевич; Дмитриев, Максим Сергеевич; Нестерович, Александр Владимирович; Шиканов, Александр Евгеньевич© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The examples of experimental studies of oil stratum debit restoring by method of ultrasound influence to stratum are given. The method of control of such unprocessed oil stratum restoring is proposed. It uses well neutron generator with vacuum accelerating tube and neutron reagent method with pumping of neutron absorbing salt solution to stratum. The results of its successful testing are presented.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступExperimental study of environment ionization in the zone of a periodic discharge in a flow of liquid (PDFL)(2019) Bogdanovich, B. Y.; Buyanov, G. O.; Nestorovich, A. V.; Богданович, Борис Юрьевич; Буянов, Григорий Олегович; Нестерович, Александр Владимирович© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The study of the ionized environment in the area surrounding PDFL has showed the presence of visible plasmoids moving in the horizontal plane. The study of traces on the X-ray film made it possible to detect a significant number of traces of an identical shape and size that look like the "birds" which were found earlier in other facilities. A preliminary analysis has been carried out for their identification, which led to a conclusion about the nature of these formations, in particular, their identity with the Dirac monopole (or similar object) having a "tail" and "wings" formed by a flow of electrons from the surroundings.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступThe effect of charge accumulation in a dielectric under the action of bremsstrahlung with a photon energy above 1 MeV(2023) Bogdanovich, B. Y.; Buyanov, G. O.; Nestorovich, A. V.; Богданович, Борис Юрьевич; Буянов, Григорий Олегович; Нестерович, Александр Владимирович