Персона: Брандин, Андрей Владимирович
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Андрей Владимирович
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- ПубликацияОткрытый доступBeam energy dependence of the linear and mode-coupled flow harmonics in Au+Au collisions(2023) Aboona, B. E.; Adam, J.; Adams, J. R.; Agakishiev, G.; Alekseev I.; Brandin A. V.; Kochenda L.; Kravtsov P.; Nigmatkulov G.; Okorokov V. A.; Parfenov P.; Strikhanov M.; Taranenko A.; Vasiliev A. N.; Алексеев, Игорь Геннадьевич; Брандин, Андрей Владимирович; Нигматкулов, Григорий Александрович; Окороков, Виталий Алексеевич; Парфенов, Петр Евгеньевич; Стриханов, Михаил Николаевич; Тараненко, Аркадий Владимирович; Васильев, Александр НиколаевичThe linear and mode-coupled contributions to higher-order anisotropic flow are presented for Au+Au collisions at sNN = 27, 39, 54.4, and 200 GeV and compared to similar measurements for Pb+Pb collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The coefficients and the flow harmonics correlations, which characterize the linear and mode-coupled response to the lower-order anisotropies, indicate a beam energy dependence consistent with an influence from the specific shear viscosity (О·/s). In contrast, the dimensionless coefficients, mode-coupled response coefficients, and normalized symmetric cumulants are approximately beam-energy independent, consistent with a significant role from initial-state effects. These measurements could provide unique supplemental constraints to (i) distinguish between different initial-state models and (ii) delineate the temperature (T) and baryon chemical potential (ОјB) dependence of the specific shear viscosity О·s(T,ОјB).