Персона: Кулик, Сергей Дмитриевич
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Сергей Дмитриевич
2 results
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- ПубликацияОткрытый доступEffective scientific personnel training in the field of modern computer technologies for the implementation of advanced research projects of the Megascience class(2020) Shtanko, A. N.; Kulik, S. D.; Kondakov, A. A.; Кулик, Сергей Дмитриевич© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Successful research projects of the Megascience class usually require a well-trained team of scientists from various fields of knowledge. These scientists must be high-skilled experts. Each member of a team like that must have the necessary, specialized cross-industry skills, for example, in such areas as artificial intelligence, convolutional neural networks, specialized intelligent search engines, and full-text analysis. One of the key aspects of effective personnel training for successful implementation of Megascience projects into reality is the acquisition by students professional skills, abilities, and knowledge to use tools of modern scientific technologies, containing, for example, libraries of programs (functions). In particular, convolutional neural networks and intelligent search systems can be applied in various research projects in the field of physics, chemistry, biology, and medicine, for example, in telemedicine, for effective decision-making in diagnosing a patient. Therefore, understanding the principles of neural networks and intelligent search systems is a necessary competence of researchers working in the framework of Megascience projects. Classic search engines are based on indexing the textual information of the database that is being searched. Intelligent search engines can improve the search experience through intelligent data processing, including using convolutional neural networks. This report examines practical examples and areas of the successful application of convolutional neural networks and information systems in practice.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступScientific personnel training in convolutional neural networks for the implementation of research projects of the MegaScience class(2019) Shtanko, A. N.; Kulik, S. D.; Кулик, Сергей Дмитриевич© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Megascience projects require an all-inclusive interdisciplinary approach. Because of that scientific personnel engaged in projects of this type must possess relevant required interdisciplinary skills. Artificial intelligence in particular convolutional neural networks has a wide range of applications, and it could be used to solve complicated problems in all kinds of various fields of science. Thus, the understanding of the principles of neural networks' working is a necessary skill for scientific personnel. In this paper, we're considering practical examples and fields of applications of neural networks in the real world.