Персона: Кочетков, Юрий Владимирович
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Институт лазерных и плазменных технологий
Стратегическая цель Института ЛаПлаз – стать ведущей научной школой и ядром развития инноваций по лазерным, плазменным, радиационным и ускорительным технологиям, с уникальными образовательными программами, востребованными на российском и мировом рынке образовательных услуг.
Юрий Владимирович
6 results
Результаты поиска
Теперь показываю 1 - 6 из 6
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступImplementation of amplitude-phase analysis of complex interferograms for measurement of spontaneous magnetic fields in laser generated plasma(2020) Zaras-Szydlowska, A.; Pisarczyk, T.; Chodukowski, T.; Rusiniak, Z.; Kochetkov, I.; Кочетков, Юрий Владимирович© 2020 Author(s).Generation of spontaneous magnetic fields (SMFs) is one of the most interesting phenomena accompanying an intense laser-matter interaction. One method of credible SMFs measurements is based on the magneto-optical Faraday effect, which requires simultaneous measurements of an angle of polarization plane rotation of a probe wave and plasma electron density. In classical polaro-interferometry, these values are provided independently by polarimetric and interferometric images. Complex interferometry is an innovative approach in SMF measurement, obtaining information on SMF directly from a phase-amplitude analysis of an image called a complex interferogram. Although the theoretical basis of complex interferometry has been well known for many years, this approach has not been effectively employed in laser plasma research until recently; this approach has been successfully implemented in SMF measurement at the Prague Asterix Laser System (PALS). In this paper, proprietary construction solutions of polaro-interferometers are presented; they allow us to register high-quality complex interferograms in practical experiments, which undergo quantitative analysis (with an original software) to obtain information on the electron density and SMFs distributions in an examined plasma. The theoretical foundations of polaro-interferometric measurement, in particular, complex-interferometry, are presented. The main part of the paper details the methodology of the amplitude-phase analysis of complex interferograms. This includes software testing and examples of the electron density and SMF distribution of a laser ablative plasma generated by irradiating Cu thick planar targets with an iodine PALS laser at an intensity above about 1016 W/cm2.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеElaboration of 3-frame complex interferometry for optimization studies of capacitor-coil optical magnetic field generators(2019) Pisarczyk, T.; Santos, J. J.; Dudzak, R.; Zaras-Szydowska, A.; Gus'kov, S. Y.; Korneev, P.; Kochetkov, I.; Корнеев, Филипп Александрович; Кочетков, Юрий ВладимировичRecently developed three-frame complex-interferometry system driven by a Ti:Sa laser with 40 fs pulse has been installed at the PALS (Prague Asterix Laser System) laser facility. This unique diagnostic allows for the first time to perform simultaneous measurements of B-field in the coil region of the capacitor-coil targets (CCT) and the self-generated B-field (SMF) of the diode plasma in between the CCT-plates. CCT were irradiated by the PALS iodine laser (lambda = 1315 nm) with energy in the range 250-500 J and pulse duration of 350 ps at full width at half maximum. The operation of this diagnostic system and methodologies for quantitative data analysis are presented in this study, including: (i) obtaining information about the induction of the magnetic field in the CCT coil based on measurements of the Faraday effect in the TGG (Terbium Gallium Garnet) paramagnetic crystal at the coil vicinity and (ii) determining magnetic field and current density distributions in the capacitor region of the CCT by analysis of the complex interferograms. The preliminary measurements confirmed the high potential of the reported setup for optimization studies of CCT targets.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеHot electron retention in laser plasma created under terawatt subnanosecond irradiation of Cu targets(2020) Pisarczyk, T.; Kalal, M.; Gus'kov, S. Y.; Batani, D.; Kochetkov, I.; Korneev, P.; Кочетков, Юрий Владимирович; Корнеев, Филипп АлександровичLaser plasma created by intense light interaction with matter plays an important role in high-energy density fundamental studies and many prospective applications. Terawatt laser-produced plasma related to the low collisional and relativistic domain may form supersonic flows and is prone to the generation of strong spontaneous magnetic fields. The comprehensive experimental study presented in this work provides a reference point for the theoretical description of laser-plasma interaction, focusing on the hot electron generation. It experimentally quantifies the phenomenon of hot electron retention, which serves as a boundary condition for most plasma expansion models. Hot electrons, being responsible for nonlocal thermal and electric conductivities, are important for a large variety of processes in such plasmas. The multiple-frame complex-interferometric data providing information on time resolved spontaneous magnetic fields and electron density distribution, complemented by particle spectra and x-ray measurements, were obtained under irradiation of the planar massive Cu and plastic-coated targets by the iodine laser pulse with an intensity of above 10(16)W cm(-2). The data shows that the hot electron emission from the interaction region outside the target is strongly suppressed, while the electron flow inside the target,i.e.in the direction of the incident laser beam, is a dominant process and contains almost the whole hot electron population. The obtained quantitative characterization of this phenomenon is of primary importance for plasma applications spanning from ICF to laser-driven discharge magnetic field generators.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеComplex interferometry of magnetized plasma: Accuracy and limitations(2021) Pisarczyk, T.; Kalal, M.; Chodukowski, T.; Zaras-Szydlowska, A.; Kochetkov, I.; Korneev, P.; Кочетков, Юрий Владимирович; Корнеев, Филипп Александрович© 2021 Author(s).Expanding laser plasmas, produced by high energy laser radiation, possess both high thermal and magnetic field energy densities. Characterization of such plasma is challenging but may provide essential information needed for understanding its physical behavior. Among the standard experimental techniques used for plasma diagnostics, conventional interferometry is one of the most convenient, informative, and accurate. Attempts to extract more information from each laser shot on large facilities have led to development of complex interferometry, which allows us to reconstruct both plasma electron density and magnetic field distributions from a single data object. However, such a benefit requires more accurate processing, critically important in some situations. This work focuses on quasi-axisymmetric interaction geometry. Starting from basic principles, we present a general analysis, consider main error sources, and obtain plasma density and magnetic field distributions with their derived error bars. A regularization procedure, significantly decreasing an error near the plasma symmetry axis, is proposed and analyzed in detail. With use of synthetic datasets, the presented analysis is generally universal for quasi-axisymmetric plasmas.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеInvestigation of magnetized plasma created in snail targets at the PALS facility(2022) Pisarczyk, T.; Renner, O.; Dudzak, R.; Chodukowski, T.; Kochetkov, I.; Korneev, P.; Кочетков, Юрий Владимирович; Корнеев, Филипп Александрович
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеTerahertz annular antenna driven with a short intense laser pulse(2022) Bukharskii, N.; Kochetkov, I.; Korneev, P.; Бухарский, Николай Дмитриевич; Кочетков, Юрий Владимирович; Корнеев, Филипп Александрович© 2022 Author(s).Generation of terahertz radiation by an oscillating discharge, excited by short laser pulses, may be controlled by geometry of the irradiated target. In this work, an annular target with a thin slit is considered as an efficient emitter of secondary radiation when driven by a short intense laser pulse. Under irradiation, a slit works as a diode, which is quickly filled by dense plasmas, closing the circuit for a traveling discharge pulse. Such a diode defines the discharge pulse propagation direction in a closed contour, enabling its multiple passes along the coil. The obtained oscillating charge efficiently generates multi-period quasi-monochromatic terahertz waves with a maximum along the coil axis and controllable characteristics.