Персона: Чусов, Игорь Александрович
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ИАТЭ НИЯУ МИФИ был образован в 1953 г. как вечернее отделение МИФИ. В 2009 г. ИАТЭ официально получил статус обособленного структурного подразделения НИЯУ «МИФИ», что дало новый мощный импульс для развития образовательной и научной деятельности на основе инновационной составляющей. В соответствии с лицензией Минобрнауки России ИАТЭ ведет образовательную деятельность в рамках очной, очно-заочной и заочной форм обучения. В настоящее время в ИАТЭ НИЯУ МИФИ осуществляется подготовка по очной форме обучения: бакалавриат- 16 направлений, специалитет – 4 направления, магистратура- 12 направлений; по очно-заочной: бакалавриат- 4 направления, специалитет – 1 направление; по заочной: бакалавриат- 3 направления, специалитет- 2 направления; аспирантура – 18 направлений.
В структуре ИАТЭ 9 факультетов: физико-энергетический, естественных наук, кибернетики, социально-экономический, медицинский, вечерний, заочного обучения, подготовительный, повышения квалификации и профессиональной переподготовки специалистов. Образовательный процесс обеспечивают 18 общеобразовательных и 22 выпускающие кафедры.
Игорь Александрович
3 results
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- ПубликацияОткрытый доступCorrelations for calculating the transport and thermodynamic properties of lead-bismuth eutectic(2020) Chusov, I. A.; Pronyaev, V. G.; Чусов, Игорь Александрович; Obysov, N. A.; Novikov, G. Y.; Pronyayev, V. G.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеRelations for calculating the transport and thermodynamic properties of lead-bismuth eutectics(2020) Chusov, I. A.; Pronyaev, V. G.; Evgenievich, N. G.; Altksandrovich, O. N.; Чусов, Игорь Александрович© 2020 Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering, National Research Nuclear University 'MEPhI'. All rights reserved.The eutectic lead-bismuth alloy has relatively recently begun to be used as a coolant primarily in nuclear transport power plants. At present, this eutectic is regarded as a possible coolant for promising new generation reactor plants. The generalized systematic analysis of the results of experiments to determine the transport and thermodynamic properties of lead-bismuth eutectics was carried out by P.L. Kirillov with his staff and published back in 1998. However, they do not include numerous experimental results of studies of Russian specialists, which are characterized by methodical thoughtfulness, use of modern instrumentation and careful data processing. The emergence of new data has led to the need to clarify and correct the existing computational relationships. Recommended ratios for calculating the thermodynamic and transport properties of lead-bismuth eutectics (44.5% Pb + 55.5% Bi) are presented: density, coefficient of dynamic viscosity, specific heat capacity, thermal conductivity coefficient, surface tension coefficient, specific electrical resistance and local sound velocity as a function of temperature. The mentioned relations are based on the calculated analysis of data given in 38 experimental works carried out in our country and abroad and published for the period from 1923 to 2015. The authors had information about 1085 experimental points, but only 1058 points were suitable for direct estimates. The main difficulty in data processing was that the experiments considered in the work were carried out at different times using various measurement methods, ununiform statistical processing methods, different degree of bismuth purity, etc. The basis of data evaluation methods was a modified method of least squares, which allowed taking into account the errors of the experimental data accepted for consideration. Error values of the proposed relations and temperature ranges of their applicability are given in this paper. The article is based on the results of the work of the Thermodynamic Properties Data Center (TsDTS IATE NIYaU MIFI) of Rosatom State Corporation.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеOntologies and databases on thermophysical properties of nuclear reactor materials(2019) Chusov, I. A.; Kirillov, P. L.; Pronyaev, V. G.; Erkimbaev, A. O.; Чусов, Игорь Александрович© 2019 Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering, National Research Nuclear University 'MEPhI'. All rights reserved.The study is dedicated to the information technologies for storage, systematization and distribution of thermophysical data for nuclear power engineering. The general trend existing in the areas involving wide use of scientific data is the shifting from conventional databases to the development of a consolidated infrastructure capable of overcoming sharply growing volumes of scientific data with continuously increasing complexity of the data structure due to the expansion of the range of materials. The above infrastructure ensures interoperability, including data exchange and dissemination. The general principle of data management for thermophysical properties of the nuclear reactor materials based on the subject-oriented ReactorThermoOntology (RTO) is suggested in the present paper. The ontology includes a unified glossary of all concepts, expanded through logical connections and axioms. The suggested RTO ontology combines the terms typical for reactor materials, their characteristics, as well as all types of information entities, determining textual, mathematical and computer structures. In the coded form, the ontology becomes the control add-in that can integrate heterogeneous data. Its most important feature is the possibility of its permanent expansion, which is necessary with introduction of new materials and terms related to them, e.g. nanostructures characteristics. Beside the ontology, description of the reactor materials, the possible scenarios for the use of the ontology during the phases of design, operation and integration of autonomous resources, primarily databases, are examined in the paper. The use of Big Data technology with diverse variations of logical structures of the data is suggested as the most efficient tool for data integration. Joint use of the technologies which were applied separately before, such as exchange standard in the form of the structured text documents, data control based on the ontology and platform for the work with big data, allows the conversion of multiple existing primary resources (databases, files, archives, etc.) to the standard JSON text format for the subsequent semantic integration.