Персона: Каримов, Александр Рашатович
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Институт лазерных и плазменных технологий
Стратегическая цель Института ЛаПлаз – стать ведущей научной школой и ядром развития инноваций по лазерным, плазменным, радиационным и ускорительным технологиям, с уникальными образовательными программами, востребованными на российском и мировом рынке образовательных услуг.
Александр Рашатович
11 results
Результаты поиска
Теперь показываю 1 - 10 из 11
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеUse of Plasma Flows to Clean the Near-Earth Space(2021) Yamshchikov, V. A.; Karimov, A. R.; Terekhov, S. A.; Shikanov, A. E.; Каримов, Александр Рашатович; Терехов, Святослав Алексеевич; Шиканов, Александр Евгеньевич© 2021, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.Abstract: A system for cleaning near-Earth space from space debris in the upper layers of the atmosphere is proposed, which is based on a plasma accelerator that uses the medium of the upper layers of the atmosphere and solar radiation to generate plasma flows of the required intensity. Estimates of the main material and energy characteristics of the system were obtained, which demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed device.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступResearch of a pulse magnetic system for eliminating electron conductivity in an ion diode for the neutron generation(2020) Vovchenko, E. D.; Karimov, A. R.; Kozlowskii, K. I.; Lisovskii, M. I.; Rashchikov, V. I.; Shikanova, A. E.; Вовченко, Евгений Дмитриевич; Каримов, Александр Рашатович; Козловский, Константин Иванович; Ращиков, Владимир Иванович© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The work presents the results of modeling the process of suppressing an electronic component in a small-sized coaxial ion diode by a pulsed magnetic field of a spiral electrodynamic line. Information was obtained on the features of this process, which is necessary for designing a diode with pulsed magnetic insulation.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеAcceleration of Dusty Plasma Flow in Azimuthal Electric and Radial Magnetic Fields(2020) Karimov, A. R.; Terekhov, S. A.; Shikanov, A. E.; Каримов, Александр Рашатович; Терехов, Святослав Алексеевич; Шиканов, Александр Евгеньевич© 2020, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.Abstract: In the framework of the model of cold hydrodynamics, acceleration of the flow of dusty plasma in azimuthal electric and radial magnetic fields has been studied. The obtained results show that there are conditions under which macroscopic particles are captured and accelerated by the plasma flow.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеCompact Induction Accelerator of Laser Plasma for Ion Energy up to 1 MeV(2020) Vovchenko, E. D.; Kozlovskij, K. I.; Shikanov, A. E.; Karimov, A. R.; Rashchikov, V. I.; Shatokhin, V. L.; Isaev, A. A.; Deryabochkin, O. V.; Вовченко, Евгений Дмитриевич; Козловский, Константин Иванович; Шиканов, Александр Евгеньевич; Каримов, Александр Рашатович; Ращиков, Владимир Иванович; Шатохин, Вадим Леонидович; Дерябочкин, Олег Владимирович© 2020, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.Abstract: The collective acceleration of laser plasma ions in a rapidly increasing magnetic field (108 T/s) excited by a powerful current pulse in a low-inductive conical spiral expanding in the direction of plasma acceleration has been studied. A mathematical model and an algorithm for calculating the radial Br and axial Bz components of the magnetic field in the approximation of a conical spiral by a system of rings of variable radius are proposed to analyze the factors affecting the efficiency of such acceleration. Based on computer modeling and an experimental variation of magnetic-field excitation parameters, the regime of effective ion acceleration is obtained. With the help of time-of-flight collector measurements, the velocities of ions whose atomic mass differs by two orders of magnitude are determined. The maximum velocity of both light ions (lithium) and heavy ions (lead) exceeds 106 m/s, and the corresponding energy for lead ions is ~1 MeV. The efficiency of collective acceleration with the direct acceleration of laser plasma ions in a high-current high-voltage diode with magnetic insulation is compared.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеElectrophysical Means in Space Research and Applications for the near-Earth Space(2021) Murad, P. A.; Yamschikov, V.; Karimov, A. R.; Terekhov, S. A.; Каримов, Александр Рашатович; Терехов, Святослав Алексеевич© 2021, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc.. All rights reserved.The paper discusses the use of the interplanetary substance as a possible fuel for spacecraft’s plasma thrusters for interplanetary flights and the possibility of creation the electrodynamic space debris collection system in the upper atmosphere based on a plasma propulsor using the upper atmosphere medium and solar radiation to create plasma flows of the required intensity. The intensity is such that the debris is used for propellant as well as storage of the space debris. Moreover, the device would use a magnetic field to convert linear momentum of the debris into angular momentum for capture. Estimates of the basic material and energy characteristics of this state-of-the art system are obtained, which demonstrate the technical feasibility of the proposed device. Furthermore, the accelerator may also use plasma with motion of some of the debris as propellant.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеImpact of collisions on the dynamics of waves of finite amplitude in a plasma [Влияние столкновении на динамику волн конечнои амплитуды в плазме](2022) Karimov, A. R.; Bogdanov, V. K.; Каримов, Александр Рашатович
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеUSAGE OF INTERNAL AIRLIFT FOR EXPLORATION OF OIL DEPOSITS [Neft yataqlarının kǝsfiyyatı ucun daxili erliftin istifadǝsi] [Использование внутреннего эрлифта для разведки нефтяных месторождении](2022) Karimov, A. R.; Bogdanov, V. K.; Valiullin, R. A.; Sharafutdinov, R. F.; Ramazanov, A. Sh.; Ibadov, F. I.; Каримов, Александр РашатовичThe paper looks at the processes in an oil dispersed medium with dissolved gas. The model of interaction for the growing bubbles with acoustic fields is presented. It is shown how the change in pressure and oil saturation (namely, the density of oil particles in the entire flow) of the medium is associated with temperature fields in the system. Proceeding from this point, at a qualitative level, thermograms of wells obtained in the process of oil production is analyzing. 2022 «Oil Gas Scientific Research Project» Institute. All rights reserved.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеThe Degassing Processes for Oil Media in Acoustic Fields and Their Applications(2022) Sharafutdinov, R.; Ramazanov, A.; Karimov, A.; Bogdanov, V.; Valiullin, R.; Каримов, Александр Рашатович© 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Numerous experiments on the effect of acoustic fields on oil media have shown the changing nature of oil physicochemical properties. In the present paper, we present a concept of internal airlift for oil medium with dissolved gas which could be propelled by external acoustic field. The mechanism determining gas bubble size as a function of pressure change is discussed. Model of interaction for the growing bubbles with acoustic fields is presented. Relationships specifying the characteristics of both the required acoustic field and oil medium are derived. The use of these relations makes it possible to define the available range of parameters for the system under consideration where one can obtain the expected effect on oil medium. It is demonstrated how the change in pressure and oil saturation (namely, the density of oil particles in the entire flow) of the medium is associated with temperature fields in the system. In particular, it is shown that the maximum deviation between the temperature change in oil and gas and gas-liquid media reaches a significant value, namely 10-2 K for a gas-liquid medium, while this difference is -0.1 K in an oil-and-gas medium. Using this approach, thermograms of oil producing wells have been analysed at a qualitative level.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступPulsed Plasma Accelerator(2023) Karimov, A.; Terekhov, S.; Yamschikov, V.; Каримов, Александр Рашатович; Терехов, Святослав АлексеевичIn this paper, we consider the acceleration of plasma fluxes in crossed electromagnetic fields. The possible technical approach to a prospective plasma accelerator is discussed. A simple hydrodynamic model describing the dynamics of the plasma ring in these fields is proposed. Based on this model, the estimations of basic characteristics for the accelerated flux are calculated for typical experimental conditions.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступPlasma Accelerator Utilizing the Medium of Near-Earth Space for Orbital Transfer Vehicles(2023) Karimov, A. R.; Murad, P. A.; Yamschikov, V. A.; Baranov, D. S.; Каримов, Александр РашатовичThe development of plasma accelerators for spacecraft propulsion that can capture space matter and energy shows great promise for spacecraft advancement. Such a technical approach offers a viable solution to the challenges associated with traditional rocket fuel. In the present paper, we explore the utilization of interplanetary matter as fuel for plasma thrusters on space vehicles, specifically for flights within the vicinity of Earth. Herein, solar radiation is considered a source of energy for the ionization and acceleration of particles captured from the space environment.