Куликов, Евгений Геннадьевич

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Цель ИЯФиТ и стратегия развития - создание и развитие научно-образовательного центра мирового уровня в области ядерной физики и технологий, радиационного материаловедения, физики элементарных частиц, астрофизики и космофизики.
Евгений Геннадьевич

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    Proliferation-protected, ultra-high burn-up reactor fuel produced in the thorium blanket of a fusion neutron source
    (2020) Kulikov, G. G.; Shmelev, A. N.; Kulikov, E. G.; Apse, V. A.; Куликов, Геннадий Генрихович; Куликов, Евгений Геннадьевич; Апсэ, Владимир Александрович
    Copyright © GLOBAL 2019 - International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference and TOP FUEL 2019 - Light Water Reactor Fuel Performance Conference.All rights reserved.This paper aims at finding solutions of so important problems of nuclear power as decreasing the scope and the number of technological operations, as well as enhancing the proliferation resistance of fissile materials in nuclear fuel cycle by means of minimal changes in the cycle. The method is including fusion neutron sources with thorium blanket into future nuclear power system. In addition to production of light uranium fraction consisting of 233U and 234U, high-energy 14-MeV neutrons emitted in the process of fusion (D,T)-reaction can generate 231Pa and 232U through (n,2n)- and (n,3n)reactions. It has been demonstrated that admixture of 231Pa into fresh fuel composition can stabilize its neutron-multiplying properties thanks to two well-fissile consecutive isotopes 232U and 233U, products of radiative neutron capture by 231Pa. Coupled system of two well-fissile isotopes can allow us to reach the following goals: the higher fuel burn-up and, as a consequence, the longer fuel lifetime; the shorter scope and the lower number of technological operations in nuclear fuel cycle; the better economic potential of nuclear power technologies.
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    On a significant deceleration of the kinetics of fast transient processes in a fast reactor О СУЩЕСТВЕННОМ ЗАМЕДЛЕНИИ КИНЕТИКИ БЫСТРЫХ ПЕРЕХОДНЫХ ПРОЦЕССОВ В ЯДЕРНОМ РЕАКТОРЕ НА БЫСТРЫХ НЕИТРОНАХ
    (2020) Kulikov, G. G.; Shmelev, A. N.; Apse, V. A.; Kulikov, E. G.; Апсэ, Владимир Александрович; Куликов, Евгений Геннадьевич
    © 2020 Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering, National Research Nuclear University 'MEPhI'. All rights reserved.The kinetics of nuclear reactors is determined by the average neutron lifetime. When the inserted reactivity is more than the effective fraction of delayed neutrons, the reactor kinetics becomes very rapid. The fast reactor kinetics can be slowed down by increasing the neutron lifetime. The authors consider the possibility of using a lead isotope, 208Pb, as a neutron reflector with specific properties in the lead-cooled fast reactor. To analyze the emerging effects in a fast reactor, a point kinetics model was selected, which takes into account neutrons returning from the 208Pb reflector to the reactor core. Such specific properties of 208Pb as the high atomic weight and weak neutron absorption allow neutrons from the reactor core to penetrate deeply into 208Pb reflector, slow down in it, and have a noticeable probability to return to the reactor core and affect the chain fission reaction. The neutrons coming back from the 208Pb reflector have a long «dead-time» i.e., the sum of times when neutrons leave the reactor core entering the 208Pb reflector and then diffuse back into the reactor core. During the 'dead-time', these neutrons cannot affect the chain fission reaction. In terms of the delay time, the neutrons returning from the deep layers of the 208Pb reflector are close to the delayed neutrons. Moreover, the number of the neutrons coming back from the 208Pb reflector considerably exceeds the number of the delayed neutrons. As a result, the neutron lifetime formed by the prompt neutron lifetime and the «dead-time» of the neutrons from the 208Pb reflector can be substantially increased. This will lead to a longer reactor runaway period, which will mitigate the effects of prompt supercriticality. Thus, the use of 208Pb as a neutron reflector can significantly improve the safe fast reactor operation.
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    Fusion neutron source as an effective producer of non-traditional nuclear fuel ТЕРМОЯДЕРНЫИ НЕИТРОННЫИ ИСТОЧНИК ― ЭФФЕКТИВНЫИ НАРАБОТЧИК НЕТРАДИЦИОННОГО ЯДЕРНОГО ТОПЛИВА
    (2021) Kulikov, G. G.; Shmelev, A. N.; Kruglikov, A. E.; Apse, V. A.; Kulikov, E. G.; Куликов, Геннадий Генрихович; Кругликов, Антон Евгеньевич; Апсэ, Владимир Александрович; Куликов, Евгений Геннадьевич
    © 2021 National Research Center Kurchatov Institute. All rights reserved.The paper aims at studying peculiarities in isotope composition of thorium blanket under irradiation by fusion neutron source (FNS) in hybrid thermonuclear reactor (HTR). High-energy (14 MeV) component of neutron spectrum in thorium HTR blanket can produce nontraditional fissile mixture including not only 233U, but also 231Pa, 232U and 234U. The extraction of such non-traditional fuel from a spent Th-blanket and its utilization in traditional nuclear power reactors could increase fuel burnup and contribute to nuclear weapon nonproliferation. The results of a comprehensive investigation of the above positive effects, which included high-precision neutronics analyses of a HTR's Th blanket, are presented. The chosen model of HTR allowed the formation of high-energy neutron spectrum in Th-blanket with significant fraction of 14-MeV neutrons; it appeared that threshold (n, 2n)- and (n, 3n)-reactions are able to produce significant amounts of non-traditional target isotopes 231Pa and 232U; it was shown that accumulation of non-traditional target isotopes weakened substantially in depth of Th-blanket. It is therefore reasonable to look for optimal thickness of Th-blanket and optimal inventory of natural thorium.
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    (2021) Kulikov, G. G.; Shmelev, A. N.; Apse, V. A.; Kulikov, E. G.; Куликов, Геннадий Генрихович; Апсэ, Владимир Александрович; Куликов, Евгений Геннадьевич
    © 2021 National Research Center Kurchatov Institute. All rights reserved.The paper analyzes the possibility of integrating hybrid thermonuclear reactors (HTRs) into existing nuclear power systems. This is supposed to involve the production of non-traditional nuclear fuel in a D-T-plasma operated HTR with a thorium blanket. Non-traditional fuel to be produced is peculiar in that it contains in significant amounts of rare isotopes, such as 231Pa and 232U, alongside the traditional 233U. High-energy (14.1 MeV) thermonuclear neutrons have a unique ability to promote the accumulation of significant amounts of 231Pa and 232U via threshold (n, 2n)- and (n, 3n)-reactions. Non-traditional fuel compositions for nuclear power thermal reactors (the most common nuclear reactor class in the world), hold promise due to the following factors. As is known, the neutron balances for reactors fueled with 235U are better (in terms of the breeding ratio enhancement) than for reactors fueled with 233U or reactor-grade plutonium. A better neutron balance is likely to translate into higher fuel breeding ratios and help ease the thermal reactors' fuel self-sustainability problem. Because 231Pa and 232U are fertile and moderately fissionable nuclides, they can stabilize the time-dependent behavior of the thermal reactor power and prolonging a thermal reactor's lifetime through higher fuel burnup. Being a strong α-emitter, 232U can be used to control unauthorized use of 233U-based nuclear explosives and thereby contribute to nuclear non-proliferation. All this suggests that D-T-plasma operated HTRs with a thorium blanket can be integrated into nuclear power systems to generate very promising nontraditional fuel compositions for conventional nuclear power reactors.
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    Safety of a fast reactor with a reflector containing a moderator with heavy atomic weight and weak neutron absorption БЕЗОПАСНОСТЬ БЫСТРОГО РЕАКТОРА С ОТРАЖАТЕЛЕМ, СОДЕРЖАЩИМ ЗАМЕДЛИТЕЛЬ С БОЛЬШИМ АТОМНЫМ ВЕСОМ И МАЛЫМ ПОГЛОЩЕНИЕМ НЕИТРОНОВ
    (2019) Kulikov, G. G.; Shmelev, A. N.; Apse, V. A.; Kulikov, E. G.; Куликов, Геннадий Генрихович; Апсэ, Владимир Александрович; Куликов, Евгений Геннадьевич
    © 2019 Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering, National Research Nuclear University 'MEPhI'. All rights reserved.The purpose of the study is to justify the possibility of improving the safety of fast reactors by surrounding their cores with reflectors made of material with special neutron#physical properties. Such properties of the 208Pb lead isotope as heavy atomic weight, small absorption cross section, and high inelastic scattering threshold lead to some peculiarities in neutron kinetics of the fast reactor with a 208Pb reflector, which can significantly improve the reactor safety. The reflector will also make it possible to generate additional delayed neutrons, which are characterized by «dead» time. This will increase the resistibility of the fission chain reaction to reactivity jumps and exclude prompt supercriticality. Note that the additional delayed neutrons can be generated by the reactor designers. The relevance of the study is that the generation of additional delayed neutrons in the reflector will make it possible to reduce the consequences of a reactivity accident even if the reactivity introduced exceeds the effective fraction of delayed neutrons. At the same time, the role of the fraction of delayed neutrons as the maximum permissible reactivity for reactor safety is depreciated. The scientific novelty of the study is that the problem of the formation of additional neutrons, which in their properties are close to traditional delayed neutrons, has not been posed so far. The authors propose a new method for improving the safety of fast reactors by replenishing the fraction of delayed neutrons due to the time delay of prompt neutrons during their transfer in the reflector. To implement the considered advantages, the following combination is acceptable: lead enriched by 208Pb is used as a neutron reflector while natural lead or other material (sodium, etc.) is used as a coolant in the reactor core.
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    (2022) Genrikhovich, K. G.; Shmelev, A. N.; Apse, V. A.; Kulikov, E. G.; Апсэ, Владимир Александрович; Куликов, Евгений Геннадьевич
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    Proliferation protection of uranium due to the presence of U-232 decay products as intense sources of hard gamma radiation
    (2022) Kulikov, G. G.; Shmelev, A. N.; Apse, V. A.; Kulikov, E. G.; Апсэ, Владимир Александрович; Куликов, Евгений Геннадьевич
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    Evaluating Conditions and Possibilities for Neutron Catalysis of Thermonuclear Reactions in Three-Component (D–T–3He)-Plasma
    (2022) Shmelev, A. N.; Geraskin, N. I.; Apse, V. A.; Glebov, V. B.; Kulikov, G. G.; Kulikov, E. G.; Гераскин, Николай Иванович; Апсэ, Владимир Александрович; Глебов, Василий Борисович; Куликов, Геннадий Генрихович; Куликов, Евгений Геннадьевич
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    Thermonuclear Plasma Model with Bound Ions and Neutron Catalysis of Fusion Reactions
    (2022) Shmelev, A. N.; Geraskin, N. I.; Apse, V. A.; Glebov, V. B.; Kulikov, G. G.; Kulikov, E. G.; Гераскин, Николай Иванович; Апсэ, Владимир Александрович; Глебов, Василий Борисович; Куликов, Геннадий Генрихович; Куликов, Евгений Геннадьевич
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    Comprehensive analysis of proliferation protection of uranium due to the presence of 232U and its decay products
    (2022) Kulikov, G. G.; Shmelev, A. N.; Apse, V. A.; Kulikov, E. G.; Апсэ, Владимир Александрович; Куликов, Евгений Геннадьевич