Персона: Фесенко, Владимир Александрович
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Институт ядерной физики и технологий
Цель ИЯФиТ и стратегия развития - создание и развитие научно-образовательного центра мирового уровня в области ядерной физики и технологий, радиационного материаловедения, физики элементарных частиц, астрофизики и космофизики.
Владимир Александрович
17 results
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Теперь показываю 1 - 10 из 17
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступRecrystallization of cladding tubes from Zr-based alloys for nuclear reactors(2019) Isaenkova, M. G.; Perlovich, Yu. A.; Fesenko, V. A.; Krymskaya, O. A.; Исаенкова, Маргарита Геннадьевна; Фесенко, Владимир Александрович; Крымская, Ольга Александровна© 2019 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.This paper is devoted to the regularities of change in the crystallographic texture and the structure of cladding tubes with a total degree of deformation by their cross-section of 70-80% as a result of polygonization or recrystallization during heat treatment in the temperature range from 480 to 600 °C. It is shown, that there are two competing processes of crystal lattice perfection in cladding tubes at annealing temperatures over 540 °C. The oriented growth of grain nuclei, formed at the boundaries of grains and disoriented with respect to the deformed matrix by an angle of 20-30° about basal axes, is predominant. At the recrystallization of cladding tubes from E110 alloy, a significant change in their crystallographic texture of cold rolling is observed, i.e. an increase of the integral texture parameter fr increases, and a decrease of fT. The grains, formed at the stage of plastic deformation by twinning, prove to be unstable even at the stage of polygonization, due to the mobility of highly disoriented boundaries under conditions of the anisotropic thermal expansion of neighboring regions.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступSTUDY OF SUBSTRUCTURAL HETEROGENEITY OF TEXTURED MATERIALS BY THE X-RAY METHOD OF GENERALIZED DIRECT POLE FIGURES Исследование субструктурнои неоднородности текстурованных материалов рентгеновским методом обобщенных прямых полюсных фигур(2020) Perlovich, Y. A.; Isaenkova, M. G.; Krymskaya, O. A.; Babich, Y. A.; Fesenko, V. A.; Исаенкова, Маргарита Геннадьевна; Крымская, Ольга Александровна; Фесенко, Владимир Александрович
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеInfluence of technology of obtaining chromium coating on cladding tubes from zr – 1% Nb – (O, Fe) alloy on change of its structure during air oxidation at temperatures 400–1150°c(2020) Berlin, E. V.; Isaenkova, M. G.; Perlovich, Y. A.; Stolbov, S. D.; Klyukova, K. E.; Fesenko, V. A.; Исаенкова, Маргарита Геннадьевна; Фесенко, Владимир Александрович© 2020, "Ore and Metals" Publishing house. All rights reserved.This paper compares the corrosion behavior of two chromium coatings obtained by different technological conditions. Depending on the process characteristics of creating coatings, a different structure was formed, which characterized by different orientations and grain sizes. The main differences of the investigated coatings were as follows: coating No. 1 was 9–10 μm thick, characterized by 0.2 μm columnar crystals and {111} <112> strict orientation throughout its thickness; coating No. 2 had a thickness of 12–14 μm, the size of the columnar crystals was 0.5 μm and their orientation was {111} <112> and {100} <001>. The coatings also differed in the level of compressive tangential macrostresses on the outer surface: in the first one, 1000 MPa, and in the second, only 490 MPa, which indicated the possibility of cracks presence in it. The presence of cracks was confirmed by metallographic images. Oxidation of cladding tubes with chromium coatings was carried out by their annealing in air in the temperature range of 400–1150oC for 1 hour. As a result of electron microscopic study of over the cross section elements distribution of oxidized samples, the main differences in the coatings oxidation kinetics obtained in different modes were established. In the initial state, both coatings interact with the substrate without the formation of intermediate phases, the chromium layer is replaced by a layer of zirconium alloy. In both cases, the transition zone is 2–3 microns. After annealing in air at a temperature of 1100oC for 1 h, an intermetallic layer (Zr, Nb)Cr2 with a thickness of 2–3 μm is formed between the coating and the substrate. Intermetallide identified by synchrotron diffraction coating study. The first coating changes its thickness to 5–6 microns, while on the surface it is not possible to detect the oxide phase. In the case of the second coating oxidation, a 3–4 μm layer of the oxide phase is observed, easily identified by X-ray and electron microscopic methods, which leads to a reduction in the thickness of the chrome coating. The pore distribution is also interesting: in the case of the first coating, the pores are located at the boundary of the intermetallic and chrome layers, and in the case of the second coating, the pores are distributed over the cross section of the chromium layer and in the oxide layers. The oxide layer thickness from the inner surface of the cladding tube is about 250 microns. The chrome coating, in the absence of cracks in it, reliably protects the cladding tube from oxygen. In the absence of cracks in the chrome coating, it reliably protects the cladding tube from oxygen. The presence of pores is due to differences in the temperature expansion of layers consisting of different metals. The present work was carried out under Governmental Support of Competitive Growth Program of NRNU MEPhI (agreement No. 02.a03.21.0005).
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеFeatures of nanostructure and functional properties formation in Ti-Ni shape memory alloys subjected to quasi-continuous equal channel angular pressing(2019) Khmelevskaya, I. Yu.; Karelin, R. D.; Prokoshkin, S. D.; Komarov, V. S.; Isaenkova, M. G.; Perlovich, Yu. A.; Fesenko, V. A.; Zaripova, M. M.; Исаенкова, Маргарита Геннадьевна; Фесенко, Владимир Александрович© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. Influence of various deformation regimes, included severe plastic deformation by multi-pass rolling, rotary forging and equal channel angular pressing (ECaP) in the normal and quasi-continuous modes, on the structure and properties of Ti-Ni shape memory alloys was studied and compared. Features of structure formation providing a combination of high functional properties were analyzed. Investigation of the texture development, depending on the ECAP regimes and post-deformation annealing, was made.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеInfluence of crystallographic texture and phase composition on the effect of superelastinity of foils from alloys based on Ti-Nb(2019) Zaripova, M. M.; Isaenkova, M. G.; Perlovich, Yu. A.; Osintsev, A. V.; Fesenko, V. A.; Исаенкова, Маргарита Геннадьевна; Осинцев, Андрей Вениаминович; Фесенко, Владимир Александрович© 2019 Chelyabinsk State University. All rights reserved.The results is presented of the analysis of the structure, crystallographic texture and anisotropy of manifestation of the superelasticity effect for foils rolled from forged ingots of Ti-22%Nb-6%Zr, Ti-9%Nb-46%Zr, Ti-22% Nb-(1-1,5)%O (at.%) and subjected to heat treatment. Based on the analysis of formation patterns of the crystallographic texture in foils as a result of their cold rolling, the main mechanisms of plastic deformation, which are activated in the listed alloys, are revealed. The variation of the annealing temperature in the range of 550-700°C allows changing the structure and the +crystallographic texture of the deformed foils due to the activation of various processes during annealing and, thus, the functional and mechanical properties of the material. Tests of the foils examined under tension and under cyclic loading (stretching up to a strain of 2.5%, followed by complete unloading of the sample) along and across their rolling direction confirm the presence of anisotropy of the manifestation of superelasticity effect in the materials. It is shown that this effect is orientational and structurally dependent.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступInfluence of the structural state and crystallographic texture of Zr-2.5% Nb alloy samples on the anisotropy of their thermal expansion(2021) Isaenkova, M. G.; Tenishev, A. V.; Krymskaya, O. A.; Stolbov, S. D.; Mikhal'chik, V. V.; Fesenko, V. A.; Klyukova, K. E.; Исаенкова, Маргарита Геннадьевна; Тенишев, Андрей Вадимович; Крымская, Ольга Александровна; Михальчик, Владимир Валерьевич; Фесенко, Владимир АлександровичZirconium remains the main structural material for thermal reactors due to the small capture cross section of thermal neutrons. In the period of stricter safety requirements for reactors with a simultaneous increase in operating parameters, predicting the behavior of the material in emergency situations has gained greater urgency. In this work, we measured the temperature dependence of the thermal expansion of samples cut from thick-walled tubes made of Zr-2.5% Nb alloy that were deformed and annealed in different modes. The analysis of the physical processes responsible for the shaping of the material is carried out. It was found that the anisotropic change in the linear dimensions of cubic samples both during heating and cooling is due to a change in the zirconium content in the beta-phase, phase transformations alpha + beta-Zr -> alpha + beta-Nb -> beta -> alpha + beta-Zr, as well as the preferred orientation of the grains of the alpha-phase, characterized by high anisotropy of linear expansion. It is shown that the expansion of the investigated samples upon heating in the alpha -phase is determined exclusively by the integral texture parameters of Kearns, and the coefficients of thermal linear expansion (TLEC) in different directions vary over a wide range from 3.10-6 to 12.10-6 K-1. During cooling at the stage of the reverse phase transformation of the beta-phase into alpha, an increase in the size of the cubic samples in the tangential direction up to 2.3 % and a decrease in the radial direction to 1.3 % are noted, which is associated with the orientation of the alpha-phase grains formed during cooling in the beta -matrix and anisotropy of the TLEC of the alpha-grains. It is shown that the orientation of the alpha-phase grains in the reverse beta -> alpha transformation is determined not only by the orientation of the basal axes in the initial material, but also by the spatial distribution of the prismatic axes relative to the external directions in the tube. Significant size fluctuations in different directions of the samples obtained using the technology of manufacturing channel tubes for CANDU reactors should lead to the development of significant macrostresses both during heating and cooling of the tube. The structural state of the samples deformed or annealed at 400-530 degrees C does not significantly affect the temperature dependence of the TLEC, but is manifested only in some of its features. In this case, completely recrystallized samples, i.e., with a recrystallization texture, in which the 1120 directions are oriented along the tube axis, are characterized by a significantly lower variation in dimensions in different directions in the temperature range 20-1200 degrees C.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеOrientation dependence of functional properties of alloys with shape memory effect and superelasticity(2019) Isaenkova, M. G.; Perlovich, Yu. A.; Fesenko, V. A.; Zaripova, M. M.; Исаенкова, Маргарита Геннадьевна; Фесенко, Владимир Александрович© 2018 Maud Gonella publishing secretary. All rights reserved.As applied to alloys with shape memory effects (SME) and superelasticity (SE), the results of an X-ray study of the orientational dependence of their functional properties are presented, which are associated with martensitic transformations (MTs) underlying the above effects. The observed orientational effects are conditioned by the inhomogeneity of the substructure state of grains with different orientations in polycrystalline materials and the anisotropy of the influence of the given loads on the alloy crystal lattice. It was shown that the detection of the inhomogeneous flow of MPs in grains of studied samples proves to be possible only due to of the selectivity of X-ray diffraction. In particular, it was found the following facts: (1) The width of the reverse MT interval in a rolled and quenched Ti-Ni alloy varies more than by 40 K; (2) foils from the Fe-28% Ni-5Mo% alloy, stretched along and across the rolling direction, differ in temperatures of the reverse MT beginning by 200 K; (3) the 100% SME was observed in single crystals from a Ti - Ni alloy with stable orientations by a given deformation of &tild; 15%; (4) the SME in foils from the Fe-28Ni-5Mo alloy, stretched in different directions to the defining deformation δ ≈ 6%, differ by an order of value. It has been established that in superelastic Ti-Nb-based alloys, which have a two-component rolling texture, like all metallic materials with a bcc lattice, the martensitic transformation β ↔ α'' under compression is localized in less fragmented grains with the rolling plane {001}, while in grains with the rolling plane {111} it is almost absent.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеChange in the Crystallographic Texture of the Martensitic Phase in Superelastic Ti–Zr–Nb Alloys with Increasing Tensile Strain(2022) Zaripova, M.; Fesenko, V.; Krymskaya, O.; Kozlov, I.; Svetogorov, R.; Isaenkova, M.; Фесенко, Владимир Александрович; Крымская, Ольга Александровна; Козлов, Илья Владимирович; Исаенкова, Маргарита ГеннадьевнаSuperelastic alloys based on Ti–Zr–Nb are low-modulus biocompatible alloys for medical applications. We analyzed the regularities of the development of martensitic transformations (MT) β (bcc) → α′′ (orthorhombic lattice) in Ti–(17–19)Zr–(14–15)Nb (at.%) alloys, where α′′-phase arises under the influence of tensile or compressive stress. The crystallographic texture of β-titanium alloys was well studied. However, this is precisely what determines the recoverable strain in the material. Phase analysis using synchrotron radiation showed that the MT begins at 1% deformation, and at 1.5% the martensite lines are clearly distinguishable. The orientational dependences of the formation of domains of the martensite phase were studied using generalized direct pole figures. The main texture components of the cold rolled up to 97% and then recrystallized foils are {221}〈114〉 and {100}〈011〉. Under tensile deformation up to 1.4%, α′′-phase domains with the orientation (100)[001] is formed from β-grains compressed along the normal direction of the foil. With an increase in the degree of deformation to 1.6%, in addition to the main texture component, the second texture component appears. Its orientation depends on the direction of application of the external stress: (001)[110] in tension along the rolling direction and (1 ¯ 05)[501] in tension in the transverse direction. © 2022, ASM International.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеTEXTURE FORMATION IN BIOMEDICAL SUPERELASTIC Ti – Zr – Nb ALLOYS DURING ROLLING AND SUBSEQUENT HEAT TREATMENT(2022) Zaripova, M. M.; Isaenkova, M. G.; Fesenko, V. A.; Osintsev, A. V.; Исаенкова, Маргарита Геннадьевна; Фесенко, Владимир Александрович; Осинцев, Андрей ВениаминовичCurrently, low-modulus biocompatible Ti – Nb – Zr alloys are considered promising for medical applications. Superelasticity is a property that is mainly governed by the crystallographic direction in single crystals, i.e. by the pre-dominant orientation of grains in polycrystalline objects. In order to control the crystallographic texture in products (such as foils), one should understand how it forms at various stages of thermomechanical processing. This paper compares the following alloys in terms of their crystallographic texture and how it forms: Ti –18Zr – 15Nb (18-15), Ti – 6Zr – 22Nb (22-6), Ti – 22Nb – (1–1.5)O (1O and 1.5O) (at.%). The composition of an alloy influences the stability of the initial β-phase, which tends to decrease with an increase in the concentration of Zr, which replaces Nb. A decreasing stability triggers mar-tensitic transformations during rolling resulting in the formation of a weak blurry texture {112}andlt;011andgt;, as can be observed during deformation of alloy 18-15. Plastic deformation of a stable β-phase leads to the formation of a sharp two-component texture typical of BCC alloys: {110}andlt;001andgt; and {112}andlt;011andgt;, which develops during the rolling of alloys with oxygen and 22-6. Recrystallization of rolled foils (Ɛ = 92%) at 650о C for 0.5 h leads to sharpening of the texture components in the case of samples with a sharp deformation texture (22-6, 1O, 1 .5O) and to a change in texture in the case of samples with a weak deformation texture (18-15). Cyclic tensile tests conducted in three different direc-tions revealed the presence of anisotropy in foils of all compositions. However, alloy 18-15 has the lowest anisotropy. An increase in the Zr concentration contributes to maximum reversible strain in the process of realizing superelas-ticity at room temperature. This research was funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation; Agreement No. 075-15-2021-1352. © 2022, Ore and Metals Publishing house. All rights reserved.
- ПубликацияТолько метаданныеCRYSTALLOGRAPHIC TEXTURE AND STRUCTURE FORMED IN ROLLED SHEETS OF ZIRCONIUM ALLOYS DURING ANNEALING(2022) Klyukova, K. E.; Isaenkova, M. G.; Krymskaya, O. A.; Fesenko, V. A.; Исаенкова, Маргарита Геннадьевна; Крымская, Ольга Александровна; Фесенко, Владимир АлександровичThis paper examines the processes of recrystallization in sheets of Zr – 2.5% Nb alloy rolled down to a 50–90% deformation and annealed at 610oC for 1, 3 and 5 hours. The heating rate varied from 10 to 100oC/min. With the help of X-ray structure and texture analysis, the authors looked at optimizing the crystal structure of the deformed alloy while examining changes in the crystallographic texture. It was established that annealing of Zr – 2.5% Nb alloy sheets performed at the temperature that corresponds to the dual phase region α + β of an equilibrium phase diagram also leads to recrystallization, as it happens when applying the annealing temperature of 580oC. However, an 11% increase in the concentration of the additional phase suppresses changes in the crystallographic texture, which may be due to the predominant precipitation of β-zirconium at grain boundaries. At the same time, the growth of recrystallized grains still follows the main regularities of orientation: the orientation of growing grains corresponds to the texture maximum slopes of the direct pole figure (0001); an increased pole density was observed on the difference charts of the direct pole figure (10.0), which is indicative of the presence of grains that are disoriented to the deformed matrix at 30o around the base normals. It is shown that the contribution of the above mentioned processes is determined by the type of initial texture, the annealing temperature, the heating rate and the amount of β-phase. An extended annealing time (from 1 to 5 hours) at the temperature of the dual phase region does not cause any significant change in the crystallographic texture.