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- ПубликацияОткрытый доступCoupled modeling of neutronics and thermal-hydraulics processes in LFR under SG-leakage condition(2023) Khomyakov, Yu. S. ; Rachkov, V. I. ; Shvetsov, I. E.The lead cooled reactor BREST-OD-300 is developing as a part of Russian federal project “PRORYV”. Two- circuit scheme is used in the reactor for heat removal. An inherent risk of two- circuit reactor is the potential danger of water steam ingression in the core in the case of large leakage in steam generator initiated, for example, Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR). Reactor power and temperature response on vapor penetration to the core is studied, but pressurization effects are not in the purview of the paper. The 3D multi-physics (neutronics + thermal-hydraulics) UNICO-2F code was developed for study of SGTR accident. The code calculates unsteady 3D space dependent distributions of coolant velocity, pressure and temperature, space distributions of vapor concentration and heat release density in the core and 3D temperature distributions in the fuel pins. Guillotine rupture of one tube in Steam Generator (SG) is considered as initial event of the accident. It is shown that even with the most conservative assumptions reactivity insertion due to vapor ingress in the core causes small increase of power in level and as a result maximum cladding temperature continue to stay well below safe operation design limit in the entire transient. Hypothetical option of simultaneous tube rupture in few SG belonging to different loops is also analyzed. It is demonstrated that even in the case of simultaneous large leak in two SG the transient stays mild and temperature in the core after two small oscillations is stabilized at acceptable level. In the long term the analysis confirmed the high level of reactor self-protection against SGTR accident.