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Просмотр Терагерцевое и микроволновое излучение: генерация, детектирование и приложения (ТЕРА) по Автор "Garaev, D. I."
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- ПубликацияОткрытый доступSCATTERING OF THE FIELD OF FAST ELECTRONS ON COUPLED NANOPARTICLES(НИЯУ МИФИ, 2023) Garaev, D. I.; Sergeeva, D. Yu.; Tishchenko, A. A.2D slab photonic crystals are being actively studied not only for their interaction with electromagnetic waves, but also with charged particles. Interacting with electrons, they can produce THz radiation, with characteristics depending on the electron beam sizes. So, such targets can serve as a promising instrument for the electron beam diagnostics.
- ПубликацияОткрытый доступTHZ RADIATION BY FREE ELECTRONS FROM 2D PHOTONIC CRYSTALS AND METASURFACES(НИЯУ МИФИ, 2023) Tishchenko, A. A.; Sergeeva, D. Yu.; Garaev, D. I.; Гараев, Дамир Ильдарович; Сергеева, Дарья Юрьевна; Тищенко, Алексей АлександровичTerahertz radiation sources based on the radiation of electrons in external fi elds attracts the attention of researches due to the huge energy stored in relativistic electron beams. Even a little part of this energy, being radiated, makes it possible to produce powerful radiation in various parts of spectrum, including terahertz one, which is exploited in gyrotrons, magnetrons, orotrons etc. Besides its customary applications in powerful radiation sources and in non-destructive diagnostics of relativistic electron beams, the last decade SPR is intensively investigated for more exotic structures, like plasmonic crystals [1-3], graphene nanoscale gratings [4, 5], metasurfaces [6, 7]. These novel structures are widely investigated today due to their tunability, opportunity to tailor the properties of the surfaces, which results in developing novel modulators [8] and fi lters [9] — the key elements in applications of modern optics.