Международная конференция молодых специалистов, ученых и аспирантов по физике ядерных реакторов (ВОЛГА)
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Просмотр Международная конференция молодых специалистов, ученых и аспирантов по физике ядерных реакторов (ВОЛГА) по Автор "Бочкарев, Алексей Сергеевич"
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- ПубликацияОткрытый доступInherent Safety Characteristics of Advanced Fast Reactors(IOP Publishing Ltd, 2017) Bochkarev, A. S.; Korsun, A. S.; Kharitonov, V. S.; Alekseev, P. N.; Бочкарев, Алексей Сергеевич; Харитонов, Владимир Степанович; Корсун, Александр СергеевичThe study presents SFR transient performance for ULOF events initiated by pump trip and pump seizure with simultaneous failure of all shutdown systems in both cases. The most severe cases leading to the pin cladding rupture and possible sodium boiling are demonstrated. The impact of various features on SFR inherent safety performance for ULOF events was analysed. The decrease in hydraulic resistance of primary loop and increase in primary pump coast down time were investigated. Performing analysis resulted in a set of recommendations to varying parameters for the purpose of enhancing the inherent safety performance of SFR. In order to prevent the safety barrier rupture for ULOF events the set of thermal hydraulic criteria defining the ULOF transient processes dynamics and requirements to these criteria were recommended based on achieved results: primary sodium flow dip under the natural circulation asymptotic level and natural circulation rise time.