Международная конференция молодых специалистов, ученых и аспирантов по физике ядерных реакторов (ВОЛГА)
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Просмотр Международная конференция молодых специалистов, ученых и аспирантов по физике ядерных реакторов (ВОЛГА) по Автор "Богданова, Екатерина Владимировна"
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- ПубликацияОткрытый доступThe concerted calculation of the BN-600 reactor for the deterministic and stochastic codes(IOP Publishing Ltd, 2017) Bogdanova, E. V.; Kuznetsov, A. N.; Богданова, Екатерина ВладимировнаThe solution of the problem of increasing the safety of nuclear power plants implies the existence of complete and reliable information about the processes occurring in the core of a working reactor. Nowadays the Monte-Carlo method is the most general-purpose method used to calculate the neutron-physical characteristic of the reactor. But it is characterized by large time of calculation. Therefore, it may be useful to carry out coupled calculations with stochastic and deterministic codes. This article presents the results of research for possibility of combining stochastic and deterministic algorithms in calculation the reactor BN-600. This is only one part of the work, which was carried out in the framework of the graduation project at the NRC "Kurchatov Institute" in cooperation with S. S. Gorodkov and M. A. Kalugin. It is considering the 2-D layer of the BN-600 reactor core from the international benchmark test, published in the report IAEA-TECDOC-1623. Calculations of the reactor were performed with MCU code and then with a standard operative diffusion algorithm with constants taken from the Monte - Carlo computation. Macro cross-section, diffusion coefficients, the effective multiplication factor and the distribution of neutron flux and power were obtained in 15 energy groups. The reasonable agreement between stochastic and deterministic calculations of the BN-600 is observed.